
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 陽光高考信息平臺(tái)      2024-07-20         


聽力材料Listening Script:

(Text 1)

W: Do you like to dance?

M: Well, when I was a teenager, I would go dancing every Friday night, but I seldom go anymore.

W: How come?

M: I don’t like all these new dances, not to mention disco music!

(Text 2)

W: May I help you?

M: Yes, give me something for my upset stomach, please.

W: We have a specific medicine for a stomachache and it doesn’t have any side effects.

(Text 3)

W: I’m sorry to hear that Jane was in an accident. Was she hurt badly?

M: No, she wasn’t injured as seriously as we thought at first. If only she had been wearing her seat belt, she wouldn’t have been hurt at all.

(Text 4)

M: What happened to you?

W: I was stepping into the bath tub when I tripped and hit my head on the washbowl.

M: Come on, get into the car. Let’s go to the emergency room and have someone look at it.

(Text 5)

M: Susan told me you were on a diet. How much weight have you lost?

W: Well, to start with, I weighed 160 pounds. The first two weeks I took off ten pounds, but then I gained 3 over the holidays.

(Text 6)

M: What seems to be the trouble, Ms Lee?

W: I have a terrible pain in my stomach.

M: I see. How long has this pain been occurring?

W: Since late last night.

M: I see. Let me have a look, shall I? What did you eat yesterday?

W: We went to an American seafood restaurant, and then we went to eat Chinese food. After that, we had a lot of Italian things such as…

M: Did you throw up, or did you have the runs?

W: Both.

M: Well, that could be an upset stomach from overeating. Allergic to any drugs?

W: No.

M: All right. Take the medicine every six hours and stay in bed today.

W: Thank you, doctor.

(Text 7)

W: The trouble with education in Britain, I think, lies with the teachers. I don’t think they get enough training in how to teach rather than the subject. I think they’re too serious and not imaginative enough. And that means that there’s not enough excitement in the classroom for children to get interested in the subject.

M: I couldn’t agree more. I think there is too much teaching given and too little room for children to use their imaginativeness, with the result that students are far too busy studying for exams to have time to learn about life itself and how to live in the world.

W: Mm, that’s true. I think all the teachers should be at least twenty-five before they start teaching. I think they should be required to live in the outside world, rather than go from the classroom to the university and back to the classroom again.

(Text 8)

M: Hello. I’m Peter. It looks like you had an accident.

W: Oh, yeah. Glad to meet you. I’m Linda. Right at the beginning of the skiing season.

M: That’s too bad. Then, how did you break your arm?

W: Well, I guess you could say I fell off a mountain.

M: What happened?

W: I was in a ski-jumping competition. I landed the wrong way and fell the rest of the way down.

M: Wow! How far did you fall?

W: I’m not sure, but it was far enough to break my arm.

M: When can you ski again?

W: Probably in about two months. You know, I’m really mad at myself. Last year I broke my ankle in another ski-jumping competition.

M: Terrible! Why do you enter these contests, anyway?

W: Well, for the fun of it, of course. I like risk very much..

(Text 9)

W: Please come into this room.

M: OK.

W: Now, what’s the problem?

M: I just can’t stop throwing up. I feel dizzy and feel cold and hot in turn. I’ve been this way since yesterday morning.

W: Do your bones ache?

M: Well, yes. My legs hurt and I have a dull pain in my back and chest.

W: Do you have a sore throat?

M: Well, it’s a little hard for me to swallow.

W: OK. Let me check your heart and blood pressure. (She checks them.) I think you have a virus or flu bug that’s been going around, but just to be on the safe side. I’m checking for more serious conditions. If you don’t stop throwing up after you take the medicine, please call me.

(Text 10)

W: Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Then maybe this is for you. When you worry about getting to sleep and keep tossing and turning around, trying to find a comfortable position, you’re probably only making matters worse. What happens when you do that is that your heart rate actually increases making it more difficult to relax.

  You may also have some bad habits that contribute to the problem. Do you often rest during the day? Do you get very little exercise, or do you exercise a lot late in the day? Have you already got enough sleep, or do you sleep late on weekends? Any or all of these might be leading to your sleeplessness interfering with your body’s natural clock. What should you do, then, on those sleepless nights? Don’t bother with sleeping pills. They can actually make it worse later. The best thing to do is to drink milk or eat cheese. These are all rich in a kind of acid and help produce a chemical in the brain that controls sleep. That will help you relax, and you’ll be on your way to getting a good night’s sleep.

  Until tomorrow’s broadcast, this has been another in the series Tips for Good Health.

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