
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 陽光高考信息平臺      2024-07-20         


Text 1
M: I insist that I should not be fined. I drove at a speed of only 50 km/h.
W: You are fined not for speeding but for not wearing the seat belt. By the way, telephoning while driving is not allowed, either.
Text 2
W: The view of the bridge is fantastic! Shall we stop for some pictures?
M: Sorry, it’s forbidden for there is nowhere to park.
Text 3
W: What would you like to do after school, see a new film or go to the theme park?
M: I am going to watch a 3D cartoon with my friend Tom. It’s his birthday today. Could you pick us up afterwards?
Text 4
M: Two tickets, please! An adult and a child of 4. Here is 10 dollars.
W: 6 dollars for you and your child free of charge. Here’s your change and ticket, please. 
Text 5
W: How soon will we get home? It has been two hours since our leaving.
M: Be patient. It usually takes three hours from the freeway. But in this holiday season we may
   need another hour due to the heavy traffic. 
Text 6 
M: Hello, this is A.G. LAFLEY. I am calling to consult about the position advertised on the website. 
W: Well, for more information, you need to refer to our manager Mr. McDonald. He is in charge of it. 
M: Do I need to make an appointment first?
W: No need at all. I can put you through to him. Please hold on.
Text 7
M: Hey, Jane! Have you heard public bicycles have been in use in our city? 
W: It’s a hot topic recently. Would you like to use one? 
M: Of course. You know riding bikes can be time-saving and environmentally friendly. Above all, it is free within an hour. As for me, it saves a lot.
W: But we need to open an account first. 
M: That’s easy. I can help you. 
Text 8
W: I am too happy to see you here. Would you like to sign on the first page of the book? 
M: With pleasure. By the way, how do you like it?
W: Can’t be better. My son, Tonny, likes your books most when I read bedtime stories for him. And he wonders whether you can write more stories about this rabbit.
M: I am glad that he likes it and I won’t disappoint him.
W: Oh, thank you. I will be the first to buy the next story.
Text 9
M: Hey, good morning. Did you watch the football game between England and France?
W: Well, actually, I was going to watch it but I had to work overtime.
M: What a pity. It was so exciting! 
W: What was the result?
M: In the first half, France defeated England by 1:0. But in the second half, England kicked
  another goal and we thought they would tie. Finally, England won by a single goal after extra time.
W: It sounds exciting. Have you recorded the game?
M: Yeah, we can review it on my television after work tonight. I don’t mind watching it for a
   second time.
W: Wow, that is great! I will take some popcorn, and some fruits.  
M: Could I order some beer? Football games can’t go without it, you know.
Text 10 
  Have you ever been to an underwater zoo? Amazing sea creatures are on exhibition—and you don’t have to get wet to see them. This is a wonderful place to learn about the underwater creatures we rarely see. 
  Have you noticed some fish are kept in separate tanks? Some brightly-colored fish swim together in one tank while seahorses are kept in another, across the hall. 
  There are many reasons why different fish need different tanks. Some need special food. Others need a certain temperature, while seahorses are slow eaters. Fast-feeding fish can take all the food before seahorses have a chance to eat. Seahorses like to hang on to sea grasses or plants with their tails because they are not good swimmers. So it’s better to keep these beautiful, strange-looking creatures in a special tank on their own.  英語學(xué)習(xí)  http://ksyfn.com/english/
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