
學習頻道    來源: 陽光高考信息平臺      2024-07-20         


題   號 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
答   案 A B A C B C B C A A C A A C B


16. In 1973         17. music and discussion   18.Culture
19. Location/Place/Address                   20. an ID card/ID cards

第一節(jié) (15分,每小題1分)
題   號 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
答   案 B   A D C A B C D B C B A D B  A
第二節(jié) (18分,每小題1.5分)
題   號 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
答   案  D B D C B A C C D C A D

第三節(jié) (12分,每小題1.5分)
48. as/when  49. from / of  50. the  51. one  52. when  53. youngest  54. it  55. and

第三部分 (30分,每小題2分)
題   號 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
答   案 B C A C D A B C A B D A C D D
第一節(jié) (10分,每小題1分)
71. to Grow Grass/People Grow Grass   72. Soil preparation/preparing/Soil  73. autumn/fall  
74. adapting to /according to/based on   75. germinate quickly             76. Irrigation 
77.add/use/apply                    78. Weed control                 79. prevent/avoid    
80. pay attention

本節(jié)評分建議:   1、大小寫、單復數(shù)錯誤不扣分。
第二節(jié) (10分,81、82題2分;83、84題3分)
81. Because they think mobile phones make them cool and connected.
82. Because he couldn’t remember simple tasks.
83. They believe that the amount of radiation is too small to worry about.
84. To advise people to use mobile phones less often./ To advise people not to use mobile phone too often.
注:83題沒有寫the amount of radiation 或 the radiation’s amount 扣一分

第三節(jié) Writing (25分)
Possible version:
  As we can see from the picture,two people,father and son,are talking to each other.The boy, standing on the ground, is looking up at his father, slightly scared, while his father, seated high on a big Chinese character “fu”, meaning “father” , is shouting to his son.
   Such a situation seems fairly common in our society. When talking to each other, father and son are not in equal positions. Fathers simply tell their sons what to do rather than listen patiently.Therefore, sons will have few chances to share their own ideas or open up to their fathers.They often look up to their fathers with respect, fearing that they might not live up to fathers’ expectations.
   I hope our parents will listen to us more instead of just giving us orders.
英語學習  http://ksyfn.com/english/

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