
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 福建省德化一中      2024-07-20         




1-5 CACAC    6-10 BCABA    11-15 ACAAB  16-20 ABACC


21-25 BBADC   26-30  ADCBC  31-35 BDAAB


36 ~40 BDCAA       41~45DACBD      46~50 CBABD   51~55CACBD 


56~60 BCCCB  61~65 CDDBA  66~70 ABCCD   71~75 BABAB


76. wake up; goes off     77. strict with      78. switch/turn off      79. took place        80. graduated from     81. dial     82. interested; dream    83. over       84. come to an end      85. showed; expressing 86. play an important part in     87. make a difference to



 (Text 1)

M: I really like living here. It’s so near the center of town.

W: Me, too. I’m so glad we’ve moved up from the south. 

(Text 2) 

W: Are you going to wear your brown suit today?

M: No, I don’t think so. I wore it yesterday. I’m going to wear my gray or green suit today.

(Text 3) 

M: Those potatoes look nice. How much do they cost?

W: They are five yuan per kilo.

M: Give me three kilos, please.

(Text 4)

W: Look at the sky. I’m afraid it’s going to rain soon.

M: We’d better hurry, or we’ll get caught in the rain. 

W: Don’t worry. We can stop at Mary’s home first and visit for a while.

M: That sounds like a good idea.

(Text 5)

W: Did you feed Jim today?

M: Yes, and I also gave him a bath.

W: Thanks, honey. You’re such a good father.

M: Well, believe it or not, I’ve been reading a lot online about how to be a good dad.

(Text 6)

W: It’s nearly 2:00 now. Doesn’t your train leave in an hour?

M: No, it leaves at 3:30.

W: Are you taking the subway or bus to the train station?

M: Neither. I think I’ll just take a taxi.

W: In that case I’ll go with you, if you don’t mind, and you can drop me off at the city center. I want to buy a gift there for my cousin.

M: OK. 

(Text 7) 

W: I heard you’ve got a new job there in New York City. Congratulations!

M: Thanks.

W: Will you still work as a nurse there?

M: No. My new job is teaching French in a language school. 

W: I didn’t know you speak French. When did you learn it?

M: I learnt it from my grandma. She used to be a French teacher when she was young.

W: How long do you plan to continue working in New York City? 

M: For about two years. Then I’ll come back. All my friends are here, you know.

W: I’m sure you’ll make some new friends there.

(Text 8)

W: Hello. This is Lily. Is that Tom speaking? 

M: Yes, speaking. 

W: Hi, Tom. I’m calling to tell you that I’m very sorry but I can’t go to Disneyland with you and Mike this weekend.

M: How come?

W: I have a really big test next Monday, and I haven’t had time to prepare for it. I must stay at home and study as much as possible this weekend.

M: Don’t worry. Study always comes first. We can go to Disneyland next weekend.

W: Well, but I don’t want to ruin your weekend. Why don’t you go with Mike? I’m sure you’ll have fun there without me.

M: Well, Mike just called me about twenty minutes ago. Some old friends of his are coming to visit him this weekend, so he’ll have to spend time with them instead.

W: Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that, and I’m sorry we’ve ruined your weekend.

M: Don’t worry. I’ll call my friend Sam. We often play ping-pong together in the park. May he’ll be free this weekend.

(Text 9) 

M: I called you this afternoon, but you didn’t answer. Is there something wrong with your phone? 

W: No. I went shopping and I left my phone at home.

M: Oh, what did you buy?

W: A new CD. It’s a birthday gift for Ann. Her birthday is this Friday, the day after tomorrow.

M: Oh, that’s right. I’m really looking forward to it.

W: What did you buy for her?

M: Nothing, but I’ve prepared a big surprise for her. 

W: Really? What is it? 

M: I’ll tell you, but please don’t tell anyone. I don’t want Ann to know it before her birthday.

W: Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.

M: Ann has a pen friend in France. She often talks about how she really wants to meet her. Do you know what? I sent her friend a plane ticket and she’ll get here tomorrow, just in time for Ann’s birthday.

W: What a great idea! I’m sure Ann will love this surprise.

M: Me, too.

(Text 10) 

I first met Jenny ten years ago. She came to our class as a new student and we immediately became close friends. She and her family moved to Los Angeles from New York City. However, Jenny wasn’t able to stay in Los Angeles for long. Her father was a businessman, and he often had to move to work in different cities, so one year later, Jenny and her family had to move again. When Jenny told me she was moving to Chicago with her family, we both cried. We promised we would keep in touch. However, keeping in touch was hard back then. We called each other several times, but when they moved back to New York City again, we lost touch with each other. Last month, when I was chatting online with a friend, a girl wrote to ask me if I was Susan Smith. I said “Yes” and we talked for a while. To my surprise, it was my old friend Jenny. She had found my information on a website. Thanks to the Internet, I got my old friend back. 

英語學(xué)習(xí)  http://ksyfn.com/english/
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