
學習頻道    來源: 柳州市、玉林市、貴港市      2024-07-20         






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第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1. 5分,滿分7. 5分)





1. What is the news mainly about?                     (      )

A. A train accident. B. An air accident. C. A storm. 

2. What is the man doing?                                  (      )

A. Looking for a room. B. Buying a room. 

C. Selling a room. 

3. What time did the man arrive?       (      )

A. 9∶14. B. 9∶20. C. 9∶26. 

4. What are the speakers talking about?          (      )

A. Quality of a restaurant. B. Price of food. 

C. Buying bargains. 

5. Where are the two speakers?                         (      )

A. In a bookstore. B. In the office. C. At the airport. 

第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1. 5分,滿分22. 5分)







6. Why did Peter apologize to Rebecca?               (      )

A. He damaged her dictionary. 

B. He lent her dictionary to others. 

C. He lost her dictionary. 

7. What did Rebecca feel about it?                      (     )

A. Nothing serious. 

B. Very angry. 

C. Very disappointed.


8. What are the two speakers talking about?  (     )

A. A film.         B. A story.          C. A book. 

9. What did they think about it?  (     )

A. Boring.        

B. Touching.       

C. Horrible. 

10. What are they going to do?  (     )

A. Go out to eat. 

B. Go shopping. 

C. Go home. 


11. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? (     )

A. Colleagues. B. Husband and wife. 

C. Doctor and patient. 

12. Why does the man decide to give up eating meat?  (     )

A. To be healthier. 

B. To save money. 

C. To lose weight. 

13. How did the man explain why he stopped walking? (     )

A. He was always late for work. 

B. He felt too tired to walk. 

C. He hurt himself in the leg. 

14. When is the man going to use the bike?  (     )

A. When the weather turns fine. 

B. When he has plenty of time. 

C. When traffic is not heavy. 


15. What happened to the old lady? (     )

A. She was knocked down. 

B. She fell down by herself. 

C. She was saved by a passer-by. 

16. What would the man do if he were on the spot? (     )

A. Call the police.    B. Help the lady.  

C. Catch the driver.

17. How did the speakers feel about the behavior of the passers-by? (     )

A. Terrified. B. Encouraged. C. Disappointed. 


18. Where is the speaker most probably giving the talk?(      )

A. At the entrance to the gardens. 

B. In a restaurant of the gardens. 

C. In the old family house. 

19. What does the speaker tell the visitors to do first? (      )

A. Have their lunch. 

B. Visit the collections.

 C. Walk through the gardens. 

20. How many sections are the gardens divided into? (      )

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 
英語學習  http://ksyfn.com/english/

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