
學習頻道    來源: 陽光高考信息平臺      2024-07-20         



SECTION A  (15 marks)

21. Some people think that _______ to the gym every week will help them keep fit.

   A. gone      B. going         C. go        D. goes         

22. Lisa _________ eat lots of desserts after supper , so she was very fat then.

A. used to     B. was used to  

C. got used to   D. had been used to  

23. Can you tell me the name of the factory _____ you visited last week?

A. what    B. where     C. /     D. when

24.Mr. Black is an _____ teacher with 20 years of teaching _____.

  A. experienced; experiences   B.experience; experienced

C.experience; experiences      D.experienced; experience

25.--- No smoking in our factory, sir.---it might cause fire.

--- Oh, I ____ that. Sorry, I won’t do it again.

A. don’t know        B. didn’t know 

C. won’t know       D. haven’t known

26. You should go to see him when he is so seriously ill. ____, he is your brother.

A. In all         B. After all       C. At all          D. Above all

27. I don’t like the way _____ you speak to her.

A. /   B. in that   C. which   D. of which 

28. Mr. White, along with his secretaries, _____ on the project around the clock to meet the deadline at present.

A. work      B. is working    C. are working       D. has worked

29. I can never forget the day _____ we worked together and the day _____ we spent together.

A. when; which         B. which; when   

C. what; that          D. on which; when

30. This kind of fruit ____ large amounts of vitamin, _____ vitamin C.

A. Includes; including       B. takes; containing

C. holds; included          D. contains; including

31. We shouldn’t spent our money testing so many people, most of _____are healthy.

   A. that     B. which    C. what    D. whom 

32.With all the clothes ___, Jane went to see her grandfather in hospital.

A. washed    B. washing    C. being washed   D. to be washed

33.As a general rule, you are forbidden ____ in public places.

A. smoking   B. to smoke   C. not to smoke D. not smoking 

34.Although Tom insisted that he ____ very busy, I insisted that he ___ present at my birthday party next week.

A. was; will be   B. be; be      C. was ; be      D. be; will be

35. Physics is the subject in our school ____ every student is interested.

A. that   B. which   C. to which    D. in which
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