
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 贛州市十二縣市      2024-07-20         



1-5 B C C A B    6-10A A B A B 11-15 CBB A C 16-20 A AC BC

完形答案:21-25CBDBA  26-30CADAB  31-35 CDBDC   36-40ABDCA

閱讀理解 41-45 ABCAD  46-50 BACDC  51-55 BCACD 56-60 DCDAB

語法填空 61 will see  62 is 63 for 64 slowly 65 crowded 66 and 67 go/should go 68 riding 69 a 70 better



71. What you are reading and what your purpose in reading something is/Why you are reading and what you are reading.

72. Directions for making or doing something, arithmetic problems, science and history book. 

73. Stories( meant for enjoyment) 

74. When you come to important ideas which must be remembered

75. How to decide your reading speed. / Important points about the rate or speed of reading.


Dear Committee,

Thank you for taking your time to read my letter.I really hope to be a volunteer for the International Tourism Festival in our city.

I am Li Hua,an outgoing boy of 18 years old in Senior 2 of Guangming Middle School.I’m interested in travelling and have visited many places of interest.I have a good knowledge of our city’s history,so I will be not only a servant but also a carrier of our splendid culture.What’s more,English is my favourite and best subject.Last year I won the first prize in the oral English contest for high school students in our city. I think it easy for me to communicate well with the forergners. Above all, I have experienced the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games and I have been a successful stadium volunteer.

   I'll be too glad to work for our city if I am given the opportunity. I'll be surely devoted to the job. making the forergners more familiar with our city.

  Looking forward to your early reply.






2.第一段已給出,第二段自我介紹,姓名(Li Hua)、年齡(18 years old)、身份(a senior 2 student);接著介紹興趣、愛好、特長和相關(guān)工作經(jīng)歷,此處可適當(dāng)增加細節(jié)、但不要漫無邊際地亂談,要緊緊圍繞志愿者的特點來展開,突出與工作有關(guān)的優(yōu)點,四個要點缺了要酌情扣分;最后是結(jié)束語,可作口頭承諾,對這個工作表示期待等。

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