
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 福建省南安一中      2024-07-20         


Mcdonald’s, Android, Fanta, Yahoo … When you look at these brands’ logos, how do they make you feel?
Logos are like companies’ faces. A team of psychologists recently found that our brains are good at remembering different logos, and we develop this ability from the age of 2. Young children tested in the study could identify logos and link them to the correct products about 67 percent of the time.
“Some logos are so powerful that they don’t need to spell out their names,” Alex Hillsberg of Financesonline.com told the Daily Mail. “They transcend (跨越) cultural borders.”
Intrigued (激起……的好奇心) by this finding, Hillsberg did his own study, trying to figure out what it is about logos that makes such strong impressions.
He found that customers tend to judge products within 90 seconds of seeing them, and most of this judgment is based on one thing – color.
It’s been known for years that different colors affect people’s emotions differently – scientists call this “color psychology”. And some of these effects are similar for most people. So Hillsberg studied many of the world’s most popular logos, focusing especially on their colors.
Red, for example, tends to convey “energy”. Thus, it is associated with intensity (強烈) and feelings of passion. This is why it is used in the logo for the energy drink Red Bull.
The blue Samsung logo brings feelings of trust and confidence because people associate blue with the “depth and stability of the sky and sea”, said Hillsberg.
The big yellow letter “M” of McDonald’s is associated with joy and energy, while Android’s and Starbucks’ greens were designed to communicate “the harmony of nature”.
The purple used by Yahoo is usually linked with the “luxury (奢華) of royalty (貴族)”. And orange makes people feel creative, which is perfect for brands such as the Web browser Firefox and the drink Fanta. Brown logos make companies appear reliable, which is why the color is used by the chocolate brand M&Ms.
People used to think that logo designers chose colors based largely on their own preference, but this study says otherwise.
“They are calculated,” said Hillsberg. “Big businesses [choose logo colors] with one thing in mind: that you remember [their logos] in your sleep.”
72. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?
A. Young children are better at identifying logos than adults are.
B. Most people can tell logos apart in less than a minute.
C. Logo designers often take cultural differences into consideration.
D. Some logos are so effective that they immediately remind people of their brands.
73. Why does Alex Hillsberg focus on logos’ colors?
A. He believes logo designers usually prefer certain colors.
B. He thinks that logos’ colors have a big influence on customers’ judgments about brands.
C. He thinks logos’ colors are the easiest thing for customers to remember about them.
D. He discovered a new theory called “color psychology” and thinks it’s a good place to start from.
74. The Samsung logo and M&Ms chocolate logo are successful because both ______.
A. bring great joy and passion to customers
B. give customers the impression of being nature-friendly
 C. make customers feel that their brands are trustworthy
D. inspire customers to expand their creative thinking
75. What is the article mainly about?
A. How to become a logo designer.
B. What makes some logos so impressive.
C. How our brain recognizes and remembers logos.
D. The cultural influence of logos.
英語學(xué)習(xí)  http://ksyfn.com/english/
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