
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 湖州市屬高中      2024-07-20         


(Text 1)
W: What’s wrong with your foot?
M: It’s not that. It’s my knee----I hurt it playing badminton the other day.
(Text 2)
W: Hello, Tom. This is Anne in the office. Is Larry at home?
M: No, he’s in class now. He’ll be home for lunch.
W: OK. I’ll call him later.
(Text 3)
W: Hi, Sam. Do you want to dance?
M: No, thank you. I’m not a good dancer at all. I prefer to just talk.
W: Walk? You want to go for a walk?
M: Talk. Conversation. 
(Text 4)
M: Let’s go to Riato to see a movie.
W: Oh, no. That’s too far away. What about Grand Theater?
M: But it’s hard to find a place to park there.
(Text 5)
M: Happy birthday!
W: Why...thank you. But what are you doing here?
M: What do you mean? I’m here for your birthady. But where’s Bob and everyone else?
W: Tonight’s not my birthday party. My birthday’s on the sixteenth. That’s tomorrow.
(Text 6)
W: I’d like to make a reservation for three, please.⑥ We’d like two rooms for one night.
M: That’s one room with one bed and one room with two beds for one night, correct?
W: No, ⑦that’s one room with one bed and one room with no beds.
M: One room with no beds? What do you mean?
W: The room with no beds is for my two cats. They bring their own beds.
(Text 7)
M: Hi Mary, how are you doing? Sorry, I’m late.
W: Ah, that’s OK
M: Have you been here long?
W: I just got here. ⑧I haven’t ordered yet. Are you hungry?
M: Yeah, a little. I’d love a drink first though.
W: Me too. ⑧Waiter? Two martinis and could you bring another menu?
M: So, what’s new? How’s work?
W: Oh, pretty good. Guess what?
M: What? Go on. Tell me.
W:⑨I got a raise.
M: Hey, that’s great news. When?
W: Just heard on Monday.
M: Congratulations.
W: Thanks. I’m really pleased. How about you? How’s work?
M: A bit slow. I can’t complain, though.
(Text 8)
W:⑩It’s James’ birthday today. We’re going to see Wheat after school. Want to come?
M: After school? I’ve got to study for the chemistry test tomorrow.
W: Don’t worry. The test will be easy.
M: Er ... I don’t know. What time is the film?
W: Four fifteen.
M:⑪I think I’ll stay back in school and do some review first. Then I’ll join you.
W: OK. We’ll get the tickets first.

英語學(xué)習(xí)  http://ksyfn.com/english/
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