
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 天津市和平區(qū)      2024-07-20         


    閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從31~45各題所給的A. B. C.D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。
    There is one word that is on the lips of Americans , day and night -"Sorry."
    Once as I was walling on the street, a young man ran by   31   ,brushing against my handbag. Even as he continued on his .way, he    32   back and said "sorry" to me. Even in a rush, he didn't forget to apologize.
    One day, after I bought some apples, the salesman was giving me the change, but I wasn't ready for it And a    33    dropped on the ground. "I'm sorry," he said while bending down to pick it up. I was    34   -why would he apologize when it was my    35   .
  Another time ,I stepped    36    a man's foot in a lift At the same time, we both said "sorry".I thought it interesting at first - was it really   37   for him to apologize?
    Later on, an American friend   38   to me that according to the American ideas, the lift is a    39    place everyone should be able to stand in. After someone occupies  (占據(jù))  a position in the lift, making it    40     for someone else to find a place to stand in ,isn't it necessary to 41an apologize?
    During my stay in America ,I gradually    42    that when friction(摩擦)happen in daily life, Americans don't care much about who is responsible.    43   Someone is troubled, a "sorry" is always necessary. The "sorry" would cool tempers(脾氣)  44    the other person is hurt. Perhaps this is why I     45     saw anyone quarreling on the buses, subways or street in America.
31. A. excitedly    B. hurriedly    C. happily    D. hopefully
32. A. drove        B. held       C. watched   D. turned
33. A. coin         B. handbag    C. wallet     D. bill.
34. A. impressed    B. moved     C. annoyed    D. puzzled
35. A. duty         B. attitude    C. fault       D. business
36. A. over         B. on        C. in         D. at
37. A. necessary    B. important   C. surprising  D. polite
38. A. lied         B. explained   C. pointed    D. admitted
39. A. crowded     B. common    C. public     D. free
40. A. unfit        B. impossible  C. narrow     D. difficult
41. A. express     B. receive      C .expect     D. tell
42. A. realized     B .remembered  C .agreed    D. meant
43. A. Although    B. What       C. Unless     D. If
44. A. as if        B. even if      C. as soon as  D. before
45. A. always     B. often         C. never     D. sometimes
    閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A. B. C.D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。
    I had a very good teacher named Leon Sultan .I liked him very much.
    Mr. Sultan had just got a job at my high school but his name wasn't in the school's system. So when I got my schedule(課表),it read:  Staff F. It was during roll-call that I  realised that "Staff F" was Mr.  Sultan. When he called my name, he asked if I remembered him. Then I realised that he was the teacher who had taught me English when I was in primary school.
Mr. Sultan was a very special teacher. Even though he was older and had been to college, but he was Still ready to learn from others. He would listen to your opinion carefully before expressing his opinion.
 I think what he taught me more than anything else is to have an open mind Another thing I couldn't forget was his teaching method -group work
    There were four members in the group. Each group had its own topic. Everyone in the group would play a certain role. One would keep the discussion moving, the other one would write down the thoughts of the group, another one would be responsible for gathering information, and another one would share everything the group had discovered with the rest of the class. This allowed us to become "experts" on one topic and teach the rest of our classmates.
    Now ,I have become a more open-minded boy. That is because of my two and a half years in Mr.  Sultan's class.
46.   The underlined word, "roll-call ",in the second paragraph ,is closest in meaning to "_____".
  A. making a call       B. calling one's name
  C. having a meeting    D. handing in homework
47.   What was strange about the author's schedule?
  A.   It was picked up by Mr. Sultan      B. It was taken away by Mr. Sultan.
  C.   It didn't show Mr. Sultan's name.    D.   It didn't have the courses that he had chosen.
48.   What would be the best title for the text?
  A.  Mr Favourite Teacher一Mr. Sultan   B. My Childhood Memories
  C.  My Dream--To Be a Teacher           D.A Good Learning Method
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