
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 湖北省部分重點中學(xué)      2024-07-20         

21.I think you could lose yourself very easily being someone else all the time and lose your own            .
 A.diversity B.identity C.flexibility D.responsibility
22.Seemingly meaningless little thoughts or ideas when acted upon have a             to burst into great projects .
 A.potential B.perspective C.proposal D.procedure
23.           white – sand beaches and outdoor barbecues , Fiji, a fantastic tourist attraction,  is one of many stops to be made on cruises beginning in Sydney , Australia .
 A.Distinguishing B.Accumulating C.Featuring D.Inserting
24.On July 6 , 1995 , Bezos           Amazon.com , named after the South American river with financial and moral support from family and friends .
 A.performed B.launched C.operated D.instructed
25.Both an aging population and health care reform are           a higher demand for health care services .
 A.a(chǎn)ppealing to B.objecting to C.contributing to D.a(chǎn)dapting to
26.No one believes that I will achieve my goal, but I’m sure they will            to be wrong sooner or later.
A. turn up    B. turn out         C. turn over     D. turn off
27.Nobody believes in him. People often find his statement            to the one he’s made earlier.
A. contradictory B. considerable C. contemporary D. conventional
28.Now people agree that it was ______ and foolish to predict that Dec. 21, 2012 was the end of the world.
A. aggressive        B. awesome         C. disgusting          D. ridiculous
29.Downey and Duvall are both screen legends in their own right and it will           be great to see them playing off one another as father and son .
 A.dynamically B.delicately C.definitely D.deliberately
30.While the problems or challenges might seem too big to be overcome , the person with confidence always finds a way to win           the circumstances .
 A.far from B.a(chǎn)part from C.instead of D.regardless of
第二節(jié) 完型填空(共20小題;每小題1分,滿分20分)
When I stopped by to get a newspaper, a tall, sincere man came over to me asking for help with direction. With a printout of Google maps, he was looking for a  31  on the main street, but just couldn't find it. After checking out his written directions, I mapped it
  32  my phone and showed him  33  where he needed to go.
He, in  34  , mentioned that he had tried going there, but there was no such street number and he just couldn't locate his hotel.I  35  it again for him.He thanked me with a big smile, shook my hand, and  36。甀 got into my car and he got into his, and we
 37  ways.As I drove to the next grocery store and went in, I sensed  38 wrong about the directions-so I Googled the address again and  39  that he was looking for the right address but in a city half an hour away!
 40  it had been several minutes, the chances of finding him miles away-where he was surely still looking around-were    41    .But I thought I'd give it a(an)    42   and set off in that direction. I'd     43   noticed what his car looked like, and was just about to give up.I parked my car as I considered what else I could do-  44  , like magic, he drove right by and pulled over into a nearby parking spot, still 45  about where the hotel was.
    When I  46  next to him, he couldn't believe it: "    47   did you find me?!" he asked."I'm not sure, but I  48  that you are in the wrong city!" I showed him the right directions, and after more    49    and a handshake, we   50   . Likely that we'll never meet again, and that makes it much more sweet.
31.A. museum B. parking spot C. hotel D. grocery store
32.A. on B. in C. at D. with
33.A. constantly B. exactly C. absolutely D. completely
34.A. relief B. panic C. delight D. puzzlement
35.A. confirmed B. evaluated C. analyzed D. adjusted
36.A. took off B. took up C. took down D. took over
37.A. lost B. parted C. fought D. pushed
38.A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything
39.A. realized B. considered C. determined D. stated
40.A. Hopefully B. Unbelievably C. Consequently D. Unfortunately
41.A. big B. vital C. slim D. obvious
42.A. beginning B. end C. change D. try
43.A. hardly B. merely C. regularly D. occasionally
44.A. while B. before C. when D. since
45.A. at a loss B. at a risk C. at ease D. at peace
46.A. put out B. put up C. pulled down D. pulled in
47.A. Where B. Why C. When D. How
48.A. tried out B. figured out C. burst out D. carried out
49.A. luck B. smiles C. greetings D. praise
50.A. left together B. returned home C. waved goodbye D. rushed away
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