
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 宿遷市沭陽銀河學(xué)校      2024-07-20         


第二節(jié):完形填空(共20 小題;每小題1分;滿分20分)
閱讀下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后從 36~55 各題所給的四個選項 (A、B、C和D) 中, 選出最佳選項, 并在答題紙上將該選項標(biāo)號涂黑。
Could the Internet be totally free and should it be? Should the Internet be regulated? The recent disorder in the Arab world __36__ by a disputed video damaging the image of Prophet Muhammad shows the United States, which is busy __37__ global Internet freedom, has paid a huge price __38__ the lives of its diplomats。
In an unregulated Internet world, cheating, violence or rumors can __39__ serious consequences. Many countries across the world are periodically suffering from “rumors” __40__ by the Internet and social media.
The US-led West always promotes Internet freedom and __41__ any regulation as investigation, but it should think twice if it calculates the heavy price that has been and has to be paid for “__42__”. Moreover, __43__ the Internet in the West __44__ to be free, with no obvious __45__ and no limited sites, isn’t the structure of the main pages already hand-controlled, with selected press agencies and __46__ occupying clearly dominating positions?
The Internet has helped fight injustice, __47__ corruption in places so far apart as Indonesia, India and Latin America. But the Internet could be extremely __48__ as well. Various racist or separatist organizations are using their Internet sites to fan __49__. Those who are spreading hate are frequently using the Internet as their tool. No country can __50__ to make the Internet absolutely free.
The question is how to keep free flow of information __51__ while protecting children from unhealthy works, common citizens from __52__ rumors and countries from unfair and damaging propaganda (宣傳) attacks. And who sets the limits?
The __53__ is that there will never be a perfect system. Every country will have to __54__ its own system, based on its culture, social __55__ and the degree of danger it’s facing.
36. A. led    B. caused    C. damaged  D. attacked
37. A. helping   B. processing   C. promoting  D. improving
38. A. for    B. at     C. with   D. off
39. A. bring   B. reach    C. fetch   D. take
40. A. spread   B. exposed   C. delivered  D. passed
41. A. supports  B. follows   C. opposes  D. dislikes
42. A. free   B. accessible   C. available  D. healthy
43. A. as if   B. even if    C. so that   D. in that
44. A. happens   B. intends   C. offers   D. appears
45. A. interruption  B. interference   C. defense  D. preference
46. A. programs  B. substances   C. channels  D. sources
47. A. uncover   B. strike    C. prevent  D. avoid
48. A. beneficial  B. useful    C. sensitive  D. destructive
49. A. expressions  B. impressions   C. passions  D. affections
50. A. refuse   B. afford    C. fail   D. attempt
51. A. unpolluted  B. unskilled   C. unoccupied  D. uninterrupted
52. A. evil   B. meaningful   C. untrue   D. effective
53. A. importance  B. conclusion   C. description  D. possibility
54. A. develop   B. invent    C. change   D. study
55. A. trends   B. structure   C. surroundings D. factors
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