
學習頻道    來源: 陽光高考信息平臺      2024-07-20         


One possible version: 
Dear Chenghe,
I’m very glad to receive your letter. I’ve learned that you’ve got some trouble in studying English. However, don’t worry too much. Here are my tips for you. 
Firstly, you should seek every chance to read aloud and in this way you will be able to develop your English language sense. Secondly, why not build up the good habit of  looking up new words in the dictionary? The dictionary is our best teacher. Thirdly, it is a good idea to imitate and recite some beautifully-written English articles. Most importantly, be confident and do your best and you will be able to get along well with your English study.
   I hope my suggestions are of some help to you.
                                                            Li Hua.
W:Liz took a taxi to her office today.
M: Yes. Her friend Ted usually drives her to the office but now he is out of town on business.
M:Give me a call when you get into town. I’ll pick you up at the train station.
W: Shall I call your office?
M:If you get in before 5:30, call the office. Otherwise, call my home.
M:Will you come to the beach and have a picnic on Saturday?
W: No, I can’t bear the heat out there.
W:Man, that sunset is beautiful. I’ve never seen one so red.
M: Yeah, it’s pretty nice, but it’s so red because of air pollution.
M: Yeah, the smoke from all these cars gets into the air and turns the sunlight red.
M:How much is the watch?
W: The price is on the back of the box.
M:Oh, uh, I think I’ll have to come back when they’re on sale.
W:This is the Cafe Rossi.
M: Well, I heard your Mexican food is delicious..
W:I’m sorry. This is an Italian restaurant .We don’t serve Mexican food.
M: Italian? Aren’t you the restaurant on River Avenue, across from Mabel’s cafe?
W: We’re on River Avenue, but not across form Mabel’s.
M: And next to the River House Restaurant, right?
W: No. We’re next to the Pyramids. Oh, you’re thinking of Pyramids. That’s a Mexican restaurant.
M: Oh. Hmm. Well, do you have any rules for dressing?
W: No. Casual clothes are fine. T-shirts are fine. But no jeans and no shorts.
W: I think your computer is sick.
M: Sick? Really? I just bought it two months ago.
W: Well, I safely copied one file over to my disk. When I started to copy the second one, the computer 
stopped .I think it crashed.
M: Maybe you made it angry. I told you to be careful.
W: I was careful. This file contained an important paper. It took me a week to finish. It’s just my luck!
M: Is it really important that you have it today?
W: Yes. I have to make a presentation at my paper tomorrow morning. It takes up 40% of the final 
W: What kind of things do you do in your free time?
M: I’m really into watching foreign films. What about you ?
W:I like camping .Do you enjoy camping?
M: Not so much. Camping for an evening is OK, but I couldn’t do it for much longer than one night.
W: Have you ever been camping in the Boundary Waters? I’m very fond of the place.
M: No. Do you have any photos of your camping trip there?
W: Sure. I’ve taken lots of pictures. I’ll show you next time.
M: So, you must be pretty interested in photography then.
W: I’d call it one of my hobbies. And I took quite a few photography classes at university.
M: Have you heard about the photography exhibit that’s going on at the art gallery this weekend?
W: Yes.
M: Maybe we could go together.
W: That’d be great.
Text 9
M:Sue, have you finished that copy for Fantasy Face Cream yet?.
W: Finished it?I haven’t started it yet!
M:But the client needs it this afternoon. We’ve got a meeting then. Can you finish it in time for the 
meeting this afternoon at 2:30p.m?
W: 2:30p.m.?But it’s 12 o’clock now. Why didn’t you say something when I came in?I could have 
started working on it then.
M: Oh yes! Ten minutes ago!
W: That’s not fair. I’ve been here for two hours.
M: The point is -------can you finish it in time?
W: My mind’s blank. I wish I hadn’t been to that party last night. 
M: If you don’t produce something, Sue, you’ll have plenty of time to go to parties! I’ll see you in my 
office at 2:15 p.m. with the Fantasy ad finished.
Text 10
M: OK everyone. That’s it for this year. I hope you’ve enjoyed the course and feel that you ’ve learned a lot. Here’s a brochure with some tips on how to do in an exam. Before we look at that, can I also mention a few general points about preparing for an exam? First of all, when you’re revising, don’t do lots and lots of practice tests. Of course, it’s good to do some practice tests but, after a certain point, you don’t learn anything new. Secondly, don’t go to a party the night before. You need to be fresh so that you can think quickly in the exam. Thirdly, don’t be late for the exam. But last year one student was two minutes late and he wasn’t allowed into the exam room. OK, now, once you’re in the exam…
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