
學習頻道    來源: 陽光學習網(wǎng)      2024-07-20         


1---5 CABCA        6---10 BCBAB              11---15 BACBA            16---20 CACCB
21---23 ADC          24---27 ACDD        28---31 AADB        32---35 DAAB
36---40 AGFDE
41---45 ADBBC      46---50 CAABC             51---55 CDDAB             56--60 DDCAB
61. a       /any       62. reported                          63. but           64. sadness             65. when
66. losing              67. yourself/yourselves           68. easily        69. with                 70. stressed

  As the saying goes, “many little drop of water make an ocean.” A small action may lead
to major changes in society. My friends and I participated a voluntary activity at a nursing home
last week. We first did some cleaning or washing. After that we spend half an hour chat with the
                              and                   spent          chatting
old people living there. Though it was a tired day, we were happy with that we did. I felt a sense
                                tiring                     what
of responsibility by visiting the old. If all of us lend a helping hand to the people in the need, we
can live in harmony with each other. A society is just like a family. If they are willing to help
others, our small action can make a bigger difference.
One possible version:
Dear Terry,
I am really glad to receive your letter. Thanks for your concern. Talking about the most impressive moment in my life in Senior Grade 3, I still remember the speech contest which I took part in months ago. I worked hard on it. But when it’s my turn I felt so nervous that my mind went blank. I was about to give up when my English teacher came to me with a reassuring smile “Believe in yourself and you can make it.” Taking a deep breath, I started my speech and it went unexpectedly well.
Being nervous is part of human being. However, with full preparations and confidence, it’s possible to overcome nervousness in any situation.
Best wishes.
                                                  Li Hua
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