
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來(lái)源: 陽(yáng)光學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)      2024-07-20         














  1.一How many people lost their lives on the 2015 new years Eve in Shanghai

    32I wonder    those innocent people did to deserve this·

    A. why B. how  C. whether  D. what

2.The price of oil   ,but I doubt whether it will remain so.

A.went down B. will godown  C.whether  D.what

  3 This is just the place   I am looking forward to visiting these years·

      A. where  B. that  C. in which  D. to where

  4 As it is reported,it is 100 years ago   Qinghua, University was founded

    A. since  B. that  C. when  D. before

  5 She spent as much time as she could   the left-behind children with their


    A. helping  B. to help  C. help  D. for helping

  6. I’ve decided to compete in the racebut Im afraid I won't be the best.

         !You never know until you try.

      A. Enjoy yourself  B. Take your time

      C. Do as you like  D. Go for it

7 My pain   obvious the moment I entered the office,for the first man I met

    asked pitifully‘`Are you feeling all right?”

    A. must have been   B. could be

    C. must be         D. could have been

8 I think it’s better to give it a second thought   so many of us consider it a risk

    A. as   B. before   C. although   D. once

9·On averageeach farm has then spent700,000 per acre of wasabi just   up

    and running

    A. getting  B. to get  C. have got  D. gets

10Which of these hotels do you like best?

       They are both expensive and a little dirty.

    A. Nothing  B. Neither  C. None  D. No one


    閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A, B, CD)中,選出可



    One day in auk my father gathered us three into the living-room with a look

on his face that told us that one of us had done something wrong

    "tech one of you did this?,’he asked with a sharp    11   

    We all    12     down at the floor containing the art of a child,s handwriting

   13    chalkI stood theretrembling    14     and hoped that no one else could see it

"Will he know it was me?I secretly    15    Scared, the only words that came from

my mouth were,“Not meFather.”

    The others   16    it as well Of course,we knew that one ofus must have

done itBut I,being the youngest of the three,just couldn,t t'lnd the    17    to tell

the truthI was not a bad kidLying was not normal for me,   18    the expression

on my father,s face made me    19   

    Since   20    of you seemed to have done it, then you will all get a spanking


    What? The   21    thing I wanted was a spanking!

    "I did it," someone said and I looked around to see my sister come

   22    Why was she taking the    23     for something I did?Feeling guilty, yet still

   24    to confess, I    25     there knowing my sister was going to get    26    for

something I did

    We didn,t talk about that day for yearsWhen we were all older, I knew it was

safe to finally tell my father it was really meWhen I think back to that    27    ,I

know I learned the    28   of familyof a sister who would do    29    form meIm

glad to say that I know·now I would do the same for    30   

11 A. noise  B. sound  C. voice  D. music

12. A. bent  B. lay  C. leaned  D. stared

13A. in  B. of  C. on  D. with

14. A. around  B. upward  C. inside  D. outside

15A. wondered  Bthought  Cexpected  Damused

16. A. admitted  B. denied  C. feared  D. ignored

17. A. way  B. turn  C. chance  D. courage

18A. and  B. but  C. or  D. so

19. A. silenced  B. frightened  C. angered  D. relaxed

20. A. all  B. neither  C. none D. some

21 .A. best  B. first  C. last D. least

22. A. aside  B. along  C. backward D. forward

23 .A. blame  B. burden  C. load D. risk

24. A. .ready  B. scared  C. young D. regretful

25. A. knelt  B. sat  C. stood D. hid

26. A. recognized  B. sped  C. rewarded D. praised

27. A. day  B. room C. accident D. lesson

28. A. advantage  B. duty  C. unity D. value

29. A. housework  Bnothing  C. somethingD. everything

30. A. her  B. others  C. it  D. myself


第一節(jié)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A. B, CD)中,選出最



    Are you willing to work for a robot boss?Sorry if your answer was "no”,because

it will be common in the near futureaccording to researchers from Oxford

    A third of British jobs are at "high risk'’of being replaced- by- robots in the next

20 years,the research by Deloitte,the Oxford Martin School and the University of

Oxford found

    Wired magazine went further. "It may be hard to believebut before the end of

this century, 70 percent of today's occupations will be replaced by automation(自動(dòng)

化技術(shù))”said the magazine in 2012·

    Of course,people being replaced by robots is not recent newsRobots have been

taking over labor work in factories and on farms for some timelifting heavy boxes

and picking fruit and vegetablesNext, cleaning chores in offices and schools will be

taken over by late-night robots,starting with easy-to-do floors and windows and

eventually moving to toilets,Wired predicted

    But that,s just the beginningEven white-collar jobs are not safeAny job dealing

with sales,services or lots of paperwork could be taken over by robots in the future

For example,in the UK, library assistants have decreased by 48 percent since 2001,

sales-related jobs have fallen by 40 percent, and travel agents by 44 percent, the Daily

Mail reported.

    But that doesn,t mean that human beings will have nothing to do in the future

Instead, we need to update our skills. Digital(數(shù)字化的)know-how, management

and creativity will be in greater demand in the future,said British consulting company


31 The underlined sentence means

    Aa third of British j obs are dangerous

    B a third of British jobs are of high profit

    C British people may lose a third of their j obs

    D British people may replace a third of robotsjobs

32From the passage,we know late-night robots axe mainly made to do    

    A. factory and farm jobs  Bcleaning j obs

    C. difficult jobs          D. white-.collar jobs

33In the UK, sales-related j obs have decreased by    since 2 0 l o

      A. 70%  B. 48%  C. 44%  D. 40%

34The best title for this passage is   

    ARobots to Take Charge    B Robots to Be Smarter

C Robots to Do Hard Jobs   DRobots to Do Paperwork


    Barbecuing has been an art form ever since hunting and fire were mastered

Many countries claim it as their own

    In France,the phrase "barbe a queue',一meaning "from head to tail',一has

been used to describe a method of cooking a pig wholeIn the US,BBQ,which is

considered to be short for "barbecue',,was once used on old roadhouse signs that

advertised "bar, beer and cues(球桿).”

    But in Australia, "where gas barbecues can be found in just about every backyard

and balcony in the country, barbecuing is considered a basic right',noted CNN.

    On November 15Australia,s Prime Minister Tony Abbott hosted a traditional

Aussie barbecue lunch to treat、the worlds most powerful leaders who had arrived in

Brisbane,Queensland for the G20 Leaders Summit. The lunch not only featured the

traditional burnt but tasty steak and sausages,but also other special Australian foods

    So how did the barbecue become such an important part of the country,s culture?

In Australia, firing up the barbie(燒烤架)and laid-back outdoor eating are almost a

way of life,said Cue.

    Barbecuing came to be thought of as an important part of the Aussie lifestyle in

the 1960s, when the "chop(排骨)picnic" became part of the Aussie language. "We

love the great outdoors so much that something like that great Australian tradition, the

barbie’,was certain to happen,,,Australian author Mark Thomson wrote in his book

the Legendary Australian Barbecue

35When talking of barbecuethe French may think of     

    A. a whole pig   B. bar, beer and cues

    C. BBQ      D. backyard and balcony

36In Paragraph 5,“the country ”,refers to     

    A. France    B. the US

    C. Australia   D. CNN

37What do we know about Australian barbecuing from this passage?

    AIt is a common practice nationwide

    B It is mostly done over burning wood

    C Only wealthy people can afford it.

    D It is often seen- on special occasions


38The main purpose of the passage is to introduce      ·

    AAustralian barbecuing culture  B different barbecuing in the world

    C G20 Leaders Summit     Dthe ancient Australian lifestyle


    YAAlthough people should face the consequences of their behavior, lives are

the most valuable thing and should be respected and guaranteedPeople don,t have

the chance to correct their errors·and make a new start if their lives are taken away

Also,it would be a disaster if the wrong person were given the death penalty(死刑)·

    YBI support getting rid of the death penalty Violence should never be met with

violenceAbolishing the death penalty could help people to realize the power of

forgiveness and loveIt could also get officials to focus more on preventing crimes

instead of punishing the criminals after they have been committed,

    YCThe goal of laws and penalties is not to punish criminals but to keep people

from committing crimesCorrective education would be much better than the death

penalty,as it could help people understand their crimes and feel sorry from the

bottom of their hearts rather than just fear death

    NAWe need the death penaltyThose who do great harm to others and affect

society badly are supposed to be punished seriouslyThey should be responsible for

their behavior. Without the death penalty, some people might commit terrible crimes

because they would no longer worry about losing their lives even if they take away

otherslives though in fact they haven,t the right to do so

      NBLaws are different in different countries because of national conditions

Some developed countries that have abolished the death penalty have highly educated

people and have few problems with their lawsCompared to them,China still has a

long way to go before it can abolish the death penalty

    NCFor some severe crimes, imprisonment(監(jiān)禁)isn't enough tomake sure

there is social justice and to defend lawsThe death penalty can achieve thatIf we

abolished it, we would need to spend a lot of money on prisoners,which would be a

  burden on society

  39According to YB,the government should pay more attention to    ·

    Aabolishing the death penalty  Bcommitting crimes

    C punishing the criminals   D preventing crimes

40From the view of NA, without the death penalty,crimes might be     

      A. different   B. the same

      C. more serious   D. less and less

41.Which of the following is a reason to keep the death penalty?

   A. Imprisonment isn't enough to defend laws

    B Lives are the most valuable thing

    C Violence should never be met with violence

    D People should have the chance to correct their er-rors·

42 What can probably be the best title of this report?

    AAbolish Death Penalty or Not?

    B Can Death Penalty Achieve Justice?

    C Should People Be Highly Educated?

     D ShouldViolence Meet with Violence?

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