
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 陽光高考信息平臺      2024-07-20         


(Text 1)  

W: Where is the bread?

M: I’ve bought the eggs, but I didn’t have enough money for bread. So I come back to get more money to buy it and the milk as well.

(Text 2)  

W: Mr. Hooper needs those parts for the machine by September the seventh.

M: Well, it’s already the fifth today ... but wait...it’s OK. They will be sent out tomorrow.  

W: Great. He’ll certainly get them on time then.

(Text 3)   

W: Could you please receive a parcel for me tomorrow?

M: No problem. Just give me your ID card. By the way, where should I put your package?

W: Just leave it on the kitchen table.

(Text 4)

W: I think there’s an accident ahead.

M: We’re now running late.

W: I know. Why don’t we take a different way?

M: Let me take a look at the map.

(Text 5)

W: Do you like Stephen King’s novels?

M: I don’t like his latest ones, but I couldn’t put his first one down until the last page.

(Text 6)

W: Rod, are you still in your office?

M: Sorry, Julie. I know I said I’d be home by 8 but I’ve got a heavy load of work on my desk.

W: Look, it’s half past eight now…

M: I need another hour and then I’ll go home, OK? By the way, do we need anything from the shops on my way home?

W: Yeah, you could pick up some food for the breakfast tomorrow.

M: All right.

 (Text 7)

M: Ah, Jenny, can I just have a quick word with you?

W: Er, yes. No problem I hope.

M: Well, actually there is. I’ve just had a complaint from a customer. He says you were rude to him on the phone.

W: What? Me? Who said that?

M: Well, I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hear it was Mr. Butler.

W: Oh, him. He’s always really horrible.

M: Yes, I know how hard it is to deal with him.

W: And now he’s complained about me! I’ve always done my best to help him.

M: I know. Look, next time he rings, just put him straight on to me.

(Text 8)

W: Hi Tony! I didn’t expect to meet you here. How’s it going?

M: Fine, thanks. Well, I just read about the restaurant in the local paper.

W: Me too. From the reviews I didn’t expect to be able to get a table the moment I arrived.

M: Me neither, but if you look at these prices, you can see why few people are here.

W: You don’t say. I don’t think it unreasonable. And look over there, that’s Brett Flick. It’s not every day you can say you spend the evening in the same place with a Hollywood star.

M: I suppose not. Anyway, I’d better be getting back. We’re sitting over there, near the entrance.

(Text 9)

M: So, Kate, in your book Lesser Known Egypt you recommend all sorts of fantastic places.

W: Yeah. They are a long way from the places of interest where people usually go or visit, which usually makes it more interesting to visit.

M: You suggest people should go in the winter when the heat is not so terrible, don’t you?

W: Exactly, because there are no poisonous insects then. Mind you, in the daytime you’ll find it’s almost always sunny, and of course there’s no shade, so I never went out without something to cover my head or I’d have got quite sunburnt.

M: And what was the most enjoyable thing you found about traveling around Egypt on your own?

W: Without doubt the people there. You know, I was waiting for buses in dusty villages and so on, but I found everyone so kind and they’d invite me to coffee and really help me to get to know local customs. Otherwise I wouldn’t have enjoyed things so much.

(Text 10)

It may seem strange but true that when you have an interview, your education, knowledge and experience may be less important than the impression you make on the people interviewing you.  

Do you know what 90% of the interviewees never remember to do when they go into the interview room? The answer is smile. So make eye contact and smile as soon as you enter the room but follow the interviewer’s lead on whether or not to shake hands.

Believe it or not, the colors you choose to wear may also contribute to the impression you make. Color analysts tell us that people wearing red show that they have confidence while wearing yellow shows openness. If you choose to wear orange, this tells people that you’re happy.

When the interview is over, don’t forget to say goodbye to the receptionist or anyone else you spoke to when you arrived. Ignoring someone might cost you the job you’ve tried so hard to get.

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