
學(xué)習頻道    來源: 陽光高考信息平臺      2024-07-20         


In today’s society, a college degree tells little about what you know in comparison to what it tells about what you can learn. For instance, the IT world is constantly changing. Anything you learn today will probably be useless in a few short years. The point is to learn to learn. 
    Blogging works exactly the same way. And I believe this to be true regardless of your end goal. If you’re trying to make money, this is abundantly clear. There’s always more money to be made. If you’re teaching on a subject, you are constantly looking for new information to share. Even if you’re just sharing your words with others for pleasure, you’re continuously improving your writing and storytelling, so people don’t get bored of you.
    This is one of the reasons that bloggers burn out. They forget this. They think they have an unlimited amount of content just waiting to burst from their brain. They get comfortable. Then they start to run out of juice. Sure, at times it seems that some bloggers just have it. They are experts in their fields and will simply feed us with invaluable content forever. But this is not true. Pay attention. Even famous bloggers would run out of content eventually without constant learning. 
 The point is apparent. Don’t think you’ve succeeded. There are plateaus, but there are no peaks. What happens when someone thinks they’ve hit the peak? They quickly begin sliding down the other side. Always be learning from your experiences. See what posts work for your readers. Which get the best response? Which are completely ignored? Which bring in the most Google traffic, or get the most Absence clicks? Don’t settle or your blog will close for good eventually.
28. Judging from the article, if you have got a college degree, say, in engineering, it means _____.
  A. you’ve chosen to learn engineering         B. you’ve finished learning engineering
  C. you’re good at engineering              D. you can find work relating to engineering      
29. The writer thinks Blogging works in a way that it requires the writers to _____.
  A. keep on writing                         B. have academic degrees
  C. be constant learners                     D. know everything before starting
30. The writer uses the word “it” in the underlined sentence “Sure, at times … have it” to refers to ____.
  A. the failure in keeping on writing         B. the knowledge needed for blogging forever
  C. the ability of constant learning          D. the comfort enjoyed from blogging
31. The questions in the last paragraph are asked to advise bloggers on how to _____.
  A. update their knowledge                B. learn from others
  C. learn from their experiences            D. reach blogging peaks
     New research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis shows that people who struggle with mood problems or addiction can safely quit smoking and that kicking the habit is associated with improved mental health.
     Cavazos-Rehg, an assistant professor of psychiatry, found that quitting or significantly cutting back on cigarette smoking was linked to improved mental health outcomes. Quitting altogether or reducing by half the number of cigarettes smoked daily was associated with lower risk for mood disorders like depression, as well as a lower likelihood of alcohol and drug problems.
     "We don't know if their mental health improves first and then they are more motivated to quit smoking or if quitting smoking leads to an improvement in mental health," Cavazos-Rehg said. "But either way, our findings show a strong link between quitting and a better psychiatric outlook."
     In addition, she believes the serious health risks associated with smoking make it important for doctors to work with their patients to quit, regardless of other psychiatric problems.
     "About half of all smokers die from some diseases related to smoking, so we need to remember that as complicated as it can be to treat mental health issues, smoking cigarettes also causes very serious illnesses that can lead to death," she explained.
     Cavazos-Rehg and her team analyzed questionnaires gathered as part of the National Epidemiologic Study on Alcohol and Related Conditions. In the early 2000s, just under 35,000 people were surveyed. As part of the study, they answered questions about drinking, smoking and mental health in two interviews conducted three years apart.
    The researchers focused on data from 4,800 daily smokers. Those who had addiction or other psychiatric problems at the time of the first survey were less likely to have those same problems three years later if they had quit smoking. And those who hadn't had psychiatric problems at the initial survey were less likely to develop those problems later if they already had quit.
   "We really need to spread the word and encourage doctors and patients to tackle these problems," Cavazos-Rehg said. "When a patient is ready to focus on other mental health issues, it may be an ideal time to address smoking cessation, too."
32. What is the main idea of the passage?
Smoking was associated with alcohol and drug problems.
Quitting smoking may help to improve mental health.
Smoking can lead to cancer or other deadly problems.
D. Those who had mental problem are more motivated to quit smoking.
33. It can be inferred from this passage that _________.
A. Having quit smoking, tobacco addicts won’t have the same problems again.
B. About half of the daily smokers die from deadly mental diseases.
C. More than 35,000 people were surveyed, 4,800 of whom were daily smokers.
D. Quitting smoking may help avoid alcohol and drug problems.
34. Which of the following does professor Cavazos-Rehg agree?
Quitting smoking leads to a better psychiatric outlook.
B. If you want to quit smoking, you have to improve your mood problems first.
C. There is a strong link between mental health and quitting smoking.
D. There is no need to stop smoking when patients center on mental health.
35.Which type of writing is the article likely to be?
A. Science fiction      B.A health report      C. An education report     D. A news report
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