
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 綿陽一診      2024-07-20         


M: What are you reading?

W: An article about Amazon Tree Houses.

M: Wow, people in the Amazon live in trees?

W: That’s not what I am talking about. Amazon Tree Houses is a company that specializes in the design and construction of tree houses.

M: So? Why do you care?

W: Well, I’m thinking about opening a tree house hotel. I have a feeling that tree houses will be really popular in the future.

M: I bet you’re going to throw that idea away within one week. It is impossible.

W: Why?

M: You don’t have enough money to buy yourself a small apartment, let alone tree houses.

W: I’m going to work harder.

M: Sweetie, it’s good to have a dream, but not so good to have an unrealistic one.


M: Good morning! I’m Roy Carroll.

W: Hello, Roy. Have a seat. Well, you seem to have the longest service record—seventeen years!

M: That’s right.

W: Well you are obviously happy here!

M: I am, yes, although it used to be more fun.

W: Why’s that?

M: Well, it was more sociable. I used to go out more with my colleagues. When I first started here, we had very long lunch breaks, sometimes two hours. Now it’s only thirty minutes. And we all used the gym together. That doesn’t happen much now.

W: Did you use to work more as a team?

M: Yes, we did. We’re more on our own now. I also used to travel a lot more too. They’ve cut down on that.

W: Has anything changed for the better?

M: Yes, there are more opportunities to learn new skills. The money’s much more now. That’s why I’m still here!


Hi, everyone. Thank you all for gathering here in the hall. It’s twenty to twelve now. I’ll try to finish my task as soon as possible so that it won’t delay your lunch break ten minutes later. I’m wondering if you all can hear me. Good, I’d like to tell you about some changes in our offices. Because our company is concerned about the environment, there are some changes as to how office waste will be handled. Starting from next Friday, containers will be placed throughout the office for recycling. Please note that all red containers are for anything that is plastic, while all green containers are meant for glass things. These containers will be emptied each Wednesday and their contents will be sent to a recycling factory. As you leave, please take one of the papers on the table at the back of the room. It summarizes all of the information I’ve just given you. Remember, the program doesn’t begin until next Friday. So that’s all from me. Thank you for your cooperation with this effort.

英語學(xué)習(xí)  http://ksyfn.com/english/
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