
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 陽光高考信息平臺      2024-07-20         



Text 1

M: What do you think of the blue shirt, Daisy?

W: Actually, I prefer the red one with a flower design on it.

Text 2

M: I’m not feeling well today and I’ve got a cough.

W: It’s nothing serious. But you’d better stay indoors and drink much water.

Text 3

M: If I go to the store for some drinks, will you start cooking dinner?

W: Sure! When you are back the dishes must be on the table.

Text 4

W: Why aren’t you dressed?

M: Take it easy. We still have half an hour to go.

W: But we have to be out of the door around 6:40 to catch the 7 oclock bus.

Text 5

M: This is taking a very long time. Is there any way to make it go faster?

W: Be patient, please. You have to be very careful while you’re making this cake. If you don’t, it’ll become burnt.

Text 6

M: Lisa, we must be off now. David’s party will start in 20 minutes.

W: I don’t want to. I don’t like Nancy. She was rude to me when we saw her at the pub last week.

M: Who’s Nancy? David’s girlfriend?

W: Yes. I guess Nancy will be going to the party tonight.

M: Oh. Well, Tom said she was going to the theater with him. So maybe Nancy won’t be at the party.

W: I hope so.

Text 7

M: Hey, this is Bill. I’m sorry I’m not in. Please leave a message, and I’ll ring you back as soon as I’m back.

W: Hey, Bill. This is Mary. I’m just calling to let you know I’ll be a little late for our meeting this evening. I have to work a few extra hours to finish a report. I may finish the work sometime around seven. And, uh, one more thing, I’ll pick up some fruits for the meeting first. It won’t be long.

M: Okay. Ill be waiting till you come.

W: Thats nice of you! See you.

Text 8

W: I learned something today in school. Did you know that many languages that seem totally different actually have a lot in common?

M: I didn’t know that. Which ones are you talking about?

W: Oh, almost all languages are related to others in some way. People who study languages call them “l(fā)anguage families”. We learned about the Indo-European language family today. English belongs to it. So do French, German, and Russian. Other examples are the Indian languages and Farsi, which is the main language spoken in Iran.

M: Those are all really different languages. I didn’t know they had anything to do with each other.

W: Neither did I, but I’m so glad I signed up for this world history class. I almost didn’t get in because the teacher’s so popular. There’s a waiting list of 20 students who are still trying to take the course.

M: So it seems like many students show interest in the course.

W: Thats right.

Text 9

W: Gerry, come and look at the information pack for our trip to London.

M: There are so many things to do, Penny. I don’t know where to start.

W: Well, Why dont we start with the kids? I dont think Sally would like the zoo. She always feels sorry for the animals, but shes been asking about the London Eye for weeks, so we have to go there.

M: Youre right. What about Billy? He loves boats, so its either the Thames or the zoo.

W: Definitely the Thames for Billy. What about an opera at Covent Gardens for your parents?

M: That would be great. So you dont want to go shopping in Oxford Street then?

W: Which page is that on? Wow! This looks fantastic. There are so many great shops in Oxford Street. Will you come with me?

M: I’ll come if you really want me to, dear.

Text 10

W: In the past five years Dr. Smith has studied more than twenty people who are over 100 years old. Yesterday he published an article. The article tells about four pieces of advice from those old people on how to enjoy a long life. The first piece of advice is:  Live an active life. Dr Smith has found that all those old people like working or doing physical exercise. They seldom sit on the sofa watching TV or doing nothing for a long time. The second piece of advice is: Never get angry with anybody or anything. If something or someone makes them unhappy, they always try to forget about it as soon as possible. The third one is: Never eat food that has too much fat and sugar. All of them like to eat plain foods, fresh fruit and vegetables. They seldom or even never eat meat or fat from animals. And the last one is: Never worry too much about anything. When they have some difficulties, they can always find a good way to overcome them. At the end of his article, Dr Smith writes, "If we do things like those old people, we might enjoy a long life just as they do."

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