
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 陽光學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)      2024-07-20         


  Effective time management is the primary means to a less stressful life. High school, especially during your senior year, can be frustrating. This is the time of your life when you are  preparing yourself for college and real world. 36
Plan each day.
Planning your day can help you accomplish more and feel more in control of your life. Write a to-do list, putting the most important task at the top.  37
Prioritize(按重要性排列) your weekly schedule as a student.
Prioritizing tasks will ensure that you spend your time and energy on those that are truly important to you.  38  Friends will want to hang out with you on the weekends, but they will understand if you  explain to them that you need to  study or catch up on college-related work.
Keep a diary of everything you do for free days to determine how you are spending your time. Look for time that can be used more wisely. For example, if you take a bus to school, you can use the time to  catch up on reading. Thus, you can free up some time to exercise or spend with your family or friends.
Get plenty of sleep, eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
40    It will help improve efficiency so that you can complete your work in less time.
A.A healthy lifestyle can improve your focus and concentration.
B.How do you manage your time doing all your activities without being overly stressed?
C.Take a break before you need one.
D.Any academic studies must come first, then extra curriculum activities, and then social life.
E.Evaluate how you’re spending your time.
F.You need to try every possible means to save time.
G.Every daily activity should be considered seriously. 
第三部分  英語知識運用
第一節(jié) 完型填空
While my friend and I were having lunch the other day, a lady in a wheelchair was pushed by a waiter to the table next to us. He put an apron on her and   41   her a plate. We were   42   the lunch and I almost forgot the lady. But   43   something caught my attention. I couldn’t   44   but notice that she was alone, and that she was having a   45   time eating. She could hardly get her fork to her mouth. I looked at my  46   . An hour had passed and she was   47   alone.
Should I see   48   she needed my help or would I   49   her if I offered? Here we were sitting right next to hertalking and laughing while she   50   to feed herself. While I kept up the appearance of a joyful time, my heart   51   inside.
After lunch, we walked on past her. As we approached the   52   , I knew I couldn’t leave all her alone   53    finding out if I could do something for her, so I    54    her table.
“Excuse me, but I   55   you are alone. I wondered if I could help you”
  56  she replied, “I… I would like to have a drink of water.”
  57   glass and helped her put it to her   58   . She smiled and said, “You are an angel”
I have never thought of myself as an angel, but the smile on her face and the   59   in her eyes told me we could all be an angel to someone if we just won’t walk on by as if we haven’t seen a need. The beauty of her    60    will stay in my heart forever.
41A sold       B showed        C lent       D prepare
42A ordering    B enjoying       C cooking   D buying
43A suddenly   B immediately     C gradually   D quickly
44A stand      B help            C wait       D assist
45A great       B boring          C difficult   D relaxing
46A table       B food            C plate     D watch
47A still        B also            C even     D always
48Awhen        B if             C how     D where
49A embarrass    B shock         C frighten    D confuse
50A managed     B continued      C pretended   D struggled 
51A prayed       B cried          C beat     D failed 
52A exit         B table          C street    D restaurant
53A by          B without        C after   D in
54A rush to       B glanced at      C return to   D sat at 
55A suggested     B hoped          C noticed   D expected
56A Seriously     B Coldly       C Curiously   D Doubtfully
57A picked up     B found out   C cleaned up   D took out
58A seat          B bag        C lips    D hands
59A sorrow        B secret      C power   D light
60A personally     B smile      C kindness    D action
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