
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 陽光學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)      2024-07-20         


Text 1
W: Ah-oh. Somebody left his wallet here.
M: See if there is some kind of identification in it.
Text 2
W: Believe it or not, my baseball coach taught me a lot about being kind.
M: That really isn’t so unusual. After all, it isn’t always parents who teach us.
Text 3
M: Aren’t you taking on too much work? Life is meant for fun.
W: If I had less ambition, I could relax more. But I want to get a better job. 
Text 4
W: Were there many people there?
M: Yes. The stadium was packed! Why don’t you come with us next time?
W: I’d love to! I’m free next weekend.
M: Oh, sorry. That was the last game of the season. I was talking about next year. 
Text 5
M: I saw your brother on TV yesterday.
W: At the football match?
M: At a concert.
W: Yes, he takes photographs of everything now! He is working for a newspaper now.
Text 6
W: Mr Thomas, here’s your physical check-up result. The fact is, you are overweight.
M: I know. Everyone keeps telling me, my wife keeps telling me, now you’re telling me.
W: It’s not good for your health at all.
M: Mmm. I just enjoy my food so much. I love chips, I love cakes, I love ice cream, I love chocolate! Food is part of my life.
W: It’s part of everyone’s life. I’m not recommending that you give up food altogether, but you’re going to have to change your habits.
Text 7
M: Oh, hello. Sorry to trouble you, but I want to ask about the check-out time.
W: It’s twelve noon, Mr Washington. 
M: Yes, I thought so. In that case, I wonder if you can do me a favour.
W: Sure. If I can.
M: My flight doesn’t leave until late this afternoon. Is there any possibility of an extended check-out time? I don’t want to cause any problems. I’ll understand if you can’t do it.
W: Well, we’re busy today … but I could give you an extra hour. Will that help?
M: That’s a big help. Thanks.
Text 8
M: My goodness. What a terrible day!
W: Why, what happened?
M: Well, I was in the High Street and suddenly I saw a young man trying to steal an old lady’s handbag. I ran over and tried to take the bag away from the boy.
W: What, you were the only one who went to help?
M: Yes, everyone else just walked past. Then, a really silly thing happened. The boy ran off so I had the bag. But before I could give it back, the old lady thought I was trying to steal it as well, so she started to hit me with her umbrella!
W: Oh, dear. Next time you’ll think twice about helping someone.
M: I suppose so, but at least she apologized in the end.
Text 9
M: And Jane Adams is here with us to let us know what’s happening around town this week. Hi, Jane.
W: Hi, Chris.
M: Well, what’ve you got for us? 
W: Right, well, a fairly good week this week for music fans, especially if you’re into jazz. If you do like jazz, you really must try to see the famous American pianist Mo Davison and his band — they’re appearing at the Jazz Café in Market Street on Thursday. That starts at 8:00 p.m., tickets £ 10 in advance or £ 12 on the night. If you’re more into heavy metal, well, the American heavy metal kings Megablitz, they’re in town, and they’re playing at the Queen’s Hall on Friday of this week as part of their European tour. Tickets on sale at the Queen’s Hall and through the usual ticket agencies. And finally for club goers there’s a new seventies soul night at the Sound Club in Prince’s Street — sounds good. 
M: OK. Thank you. Jane.
Text 10
M: Hi Raman. It’s Brad here. I’m afraid I won’t be in today. My son isn’t feeling well and he’s off school so I’ve got to take my son to the doctor. But do you remember the training meeting next week? You know, the one about the new computer system? I’ve organized the trainer so there’s no need to contact him and I’ve booked the room, but there are a few other things that need doing. I need you to organize the projector that goes with the computer. You can do that with reception. And you’ll need to sort out lunch for about ten people. Yes, there’ll be ten of us. Talk to Alison at reception — she knows some good cafés we can order from. You can ask her to help you with it. And I need you to make sure that everyone has a notebook and a pen. Really sorry to leave all these things for you on a phone message. I might call you back this afternoon and see how you’ve got on. Bye for now.

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