
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 福建省四地六校聯(lián)考      2024-07-20         


More than four out of five people admit to telling little white lies at least once a day and the preferred way of “being economical with the truth” is to use technology such as cellphones, text messages and e-mails, a survey said last Thursday.
The research found that “techno-treachery (高科技說謊)” was widespread with nearly 75 percent of people saying gadgets (小器具) made it easier to fib (撒小謊).
Just over half of the respondents (被調(diào)查者) said using gadgets made them feel less guilty when telling a lie than doing it face to face.
The workplace was a favorite location for fibbing with 67 percent of the 1,487 respondents admitting they had lied at work.
The top lie was pretending to be ill (43 percent), followed by saying work had been completed when it hadn’t (23 percent). Worryingly for bosses 18 percent said they lied to hide a big mistake.
But, employers were not the only ones on the receiving end of dishonest statements. Just over 40 percent of the respondents said they had lied to their families or partners.
Key topics to lie about were: buying new clothes or the cost of them (37 percent), how good someone looked in something (35 percent), how much they had eaten (35 percent) and drunk (31 percent) and how much they weighed (32 percent).
64. The underlined phrase “being economical with the truth” probably means “_____”.
A.  telling lies B.  making apologies C.  feeling guilty D.  admitting mistakes
65. It can be inferred from the passage that _____.
A.  parents seldom lie to children 
B. most employees will be fired once they are found telling lies
C.  without gadgets, people may be under more pressure when telling lies
D.  most employers are better at telling lies than the employees
66. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A.  Cellphones make people more likely to lie.
B.  Some people might lie to their bosses when they are not doing their work well.
C. More and more people are making up their minds to stop telling lies.
D. Nearly 1,500 people were questioned in the survey.
67. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. People are getting more likely to lie.   
B.  People tend to fib using gadgets.
C. Most people tell white lies at the workplace.
D. 18% of people lie to their bosses.
Hi, I’m your tooth. I’ve been asked to represent the rest of your teeth. We need your help. We like to be clean when you show us off with your big, wide smiles.
First, let me tell you a little about us. You weren’t born with the baby teeth, they developed when you were about six or seven months old. You went from milk to real food in no time thanks to your twenty primary teeth. Eventually, they loosened and fell out, one at a time, probably about the time you were six or seven years old. 
Then we came into your life. We are your permanent teeth, all twenty-eight of us. Some people may even have thirty-two depending on those wisdom teeth in the back. Sometimes they are able to help, and sometimes they cause trouble. Many times wisdom teeth are sideways  and have to be pulled. Some people don’t even have them at all!
On a more personal note, I am an incisor, and you have seven more just like me, here in the front of your mouth. We do the biting on those chocolate chip cookies you like so much. Next to us are the canines, four sharp teeth, two on either side. Their job is to tear food; pizza is a good one for them. Behind them are eight premolars and eight to twelve molars, depending on those wisdom teeth. The molars do the majority of the work chewing the food that you eat. They do a great job on those carrots you like so much!
Did you know we not only help you bite and chew but also help you talk? That’s right. Try to say “tooth” without letting your tongue touch the back of your teeth. It sounds pretty funny, doesn’t it?
68. How many teeth does a four-year-old boy usually have according to the passage?
A. 20. B. 24. C. 28.   D. 32.
69. Why are the wisdom teeth pulled sometimes?
A. Because they are useless.         B. Because they are in the back.
C. Because they are ugly.         D. Because they grow in wrong directions.
70. The word “I” in the passage refers to a _____.
A. wisdom tooth B. baby tooth   C. molar D. permanent tooth
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