
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 福建省四地六校聯(lián)考      2024-07-20         


Text 1 
M: That new position requires a letter of reference. I think the one that my professor wrote for me last year should be fine. Don’t you think so?
W: You might want to get a new one.
Text 2 
W: Peter, why don’t you go out for dinner with us tonight?
M: And miss the basketball game? The Washington Wizards and the L.A. Lakers are playing in Game 6 for the championship. It’s gonna be super exciting!
Text 3 
W: Listen, I need your advice. I have to work with Mr. Addison for a few weeks. I heard he has…you know, a bad reputation. What do you think about him?
M: He seems unfriendly at first, but honestly, his heart is in the right place.
Text 4
M: Can you tell me what this word is?
W: Let me take a look… Argh! These articles are being printed smaller and smaller, aren’t they? 
M: They sure are. I can barely get through this newspaper anymore. I’ll get my glasses.
Text 5
M: Do you mind if I take off my shoes? My feet are killing me.
W: As a matter of fact, we don’t have enough slippers at the moment.
Text 6
W: What is it? I’m trying to study here.
M: Lisa, you are the most beautiful woman in the world. 
W: Oh, knock it off, Justin! Just tell me how much you need!
M: What? Can’t a roommate tell another roommate how pretty she is?! 
W: Dude, you’re gonna make me throw up soon, and then I really won’t wanna lend you any cash. Spit it out already!
M: OK, I need sixty dollars to pay for a parking ticket I got outside the library last night. Apparently, you need some sort of a permit to park there after midnight. Pretty stupid law, in my opinion. They should really…
W: Here’s the money. Just take it, okay?
M: Oh, uh…thanks, Lisa. But I only need sixty…
W: The extra twenty is so you can take yourself out to dinner tonight. That’s the only way I’ll ever get some studying done around here!
Text 7
W: Hey, Donald, it’s Jessica. 
M: Hi, how are you feeling? 
W: I’m still a little under the weather. I told Mr. Parker that I would be back at the end of this week. He was a little disappointed, but he said that he understood.
M: Well, you should take as much time as you need. Don’t worry about the project. We can take care of everything.
W: That’s actually why I called. I had an idea about the colors for the new advertisements, and I wanted to get your thoughts. I just sent you an email with a couple of attachments(附件).
M: Uh, OK. I’ll take a look in a minute. But I thought you said you were still sick.
W: Well, I probably shouldn’t be around other people since they might get sick from me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do a little work from my bed!
Text 8 
W: Wow, what a great shot, Bobby! That was amazing.
M: Thanks. I’ve been practicing a lot with dad after school.
W: Yeah, I’ve noticed. Listen, I have a question for you. How would you like to try out for the basketball team this year?
M: I don’t know. Those guys have been playing forever, and I just picked up a basketball for the first time a couple of years ago. I don’t think I’m good enough to make the team.
W: How do you know that if you don’t give it a shot? I think it would be a good experience for you.
M: But it would be so much pressure, and even if I did make the team, I’d probably be on the bench anyway. 
W: Look, I’m not trying to get you to do something you don’t want to do, but your father and I just want you to be happy. Sometimes that means taking risks because the reward you get at the end is so much more satisfying than if you always play it safe. Just think about it, OK?
M: OK, I will.
Text 9
W: Excuse me. Is anybody sitting here?
M: No. Go ahead. My name is Frank Anderson. Nice to meet you.
W: Nice to meet you, too. I’m Linda Jones. 
M: Do you live here in Washington?
W: No. I’m from New York.
M: Me, too. But didn’t you just get on the train?
W: No. I just changed my seat. I was in the smoking section. The man next to me was smoking, and I couldn’t stand it. So, what do you do?
M: I was a doctor for many years, but I recently retired. My wife died last year. She was a wonderful woman.
W: I’m so sorry.
M: Yeah, she worked as my nurse. I couldn’t deal with everything at work without her, so I packed up all my stuff and went to live with my family in Boston. Do you have family there?
W: No, but I do have some very close friends. They invited me to stay there for the summer.
M: Your husband will probably miss you a lot.
W: Well, he is working as an engineer in India, so I’m already pretty lonely! 
Text 10
Let’s continue our conversation about dance. Young people nowadays love hip-hop dance, and most people have heard of the waltz and the tango, which are still popular among older people. But what about dances that no one really does anymore? In the 1950s and 1960s, there were dances that were made famous by African-Americans in clubs and discos, such as “The Twist” and “The Mashed Potato”. There were also a number of dances that were named after animals, like “The Pony”, “The Dog”, and “The Chicken”. Some songs were written specifically to create a new dance, like The Loco-motion. Later, in the 1970s, some dances that came from popular songs were meant to be done in big groups. The song YMCA is a good example of this. More recently, the 1990s hit Macarena, and the group dance that went along with it, brought together young people and older fans like never before. The popularity of most of these dances lasted only a short time, not only because tastes in music and dance were changing, but also because of differences in fashion and technology. A big reason for the success of dances like “The Macarena” was music videos, which changed how people enjoyed music forever.

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