
學習頻道    來源: 哈一中      2024-07-20         





Adventure is in my blood. And I had been considering how I was going to celebrate my high school graduation. I didn’t just want a small __26___ in the backyard. I started thinking about doing a solo ___27___ somewhere out of the ordinary. I took out ___28___ and drew the 1,500-mile route along which I would be ___29___ from the northernmost point in Norway to the southernmost section of Sweden. When I ___30___ my plans with my dad, he ___ 31___ as I thought he would. Because I get my adventurous ___32___ from him, he was all for it.

     I had only been away from my ___33__ three days now, but there was an inner ___34___ going on inside of me. Part of me was homesick and doubting whether I ___35___ could make it. The other part of me was ready to ___36___ to myself and my family that I could do it by myself.

     On the road, I met another ___37___ who was quite a bit older than I was. He had started his journey ___38___ by bike at the southern part of Norway and had just finished. I could tell he had a great sense of ___39___. It encouraged me not to ___40___.

    As I listened to my ___41___ artists on my MP4 player, I pedaled (踩踏板) with my feet. There was ___42___ around me for miles. ___43___, that wasn’t entirely true. There were mosquitoes--- millions of them. My arms were so dotted with ___44___ that they looked like a topographical map (地形圖). But, however ___45___ it would be, nothing could stop my advance towards the destination. As you know, adventure is in my blood.

26.A. party B. meeting C. conversation D. lecture

27.A. flight B. interview C. performance  D. trip

28.A. instructions    B. maps          C. magazines      D. newspapers

29.A. walking        B. flying        C. biking     D. running

30.A. compared    B. shared        C. prepared         D. changed

31.A. agreed         B. sighed         C. left              D. cried

32.A. stories          B. spirits          C. skills            D. hobbies

33.A. hotel        B. school        C. home          D. office

34.A. battle            B. activity        C. request            D. discussion

35.A. certainly   B. really     C. usually   D. reasonably

36.A. turn  B. reply      C. prove     D. adapt

37.A. driver        B. jogger    C. bicyclist          D. pilot

38.A. alone         B. slowly    C. patiently         D. worriedly

39.A. humour    B. direction        C. balance           D. satisfaction

40.A. calm down    B. break down   C. speed up       D. give up

41.A. favourite  B. personal          C. professional   D. successful

42.A. nobody     B. everybody     C. anything         D. everything

43.A. Firstly        B. Actually           C. Eventually     D. Fortunately 

44.A. wounds     B. cuts        C. bites       D. dots

45.A. boring       B. confusing       C. complex         D. difficult



In general, I don’t cry very often. But in early August 2011, I did a lot of crying. All these __46__were for one simple reason: I really, really didn’t want to leave China. But, I already had my plane ticket, and my work visa was  __47__, so I had no __48__ but to go back to America.

    For a while, I was __49__ to be reunited with my family, my friends, and most importantly, my dog. I also enjoyed catching up on all the films, TV shows, and music I’d __50__.Soon after I arrived home, I began __51__ with my family and my friends. I told them how I loved my __52__ in China, and how I hoped to come back one day. They said, “Maybe you can go again next year.” And now here I am, __53__ one whole year teaching oral English at Harbin No. 1 High School.

    My __54__ teaching experience gave me much __55__ that I am now putting to use. I now feel__56__ about my teaching abilities that I even have a teaching philosophy. My philosophy is one simple word: interact. I try to make the students __57__for much more of the class period. I also like to play games in class ,as well as doing art projects, acting, and __58__ having discussions.

  To teach English as a foreign language in a non-English-speaking country can be quite __59__ at times. I feel it is probably more difficult for students to relate to the material if they are not often __60__ by English. Making things even more difficult is the __61__ that the English they do come across is often __62__, or, while grammatically correct, is not at all native-sounding. This kind of English, I think, can actually be __63__ to students’ learning. __64__,maybe “Chinglish,” both written and spoken, is just one of the __65__ to building a country full of English speakers.

46.A. stories B. talks C. tears   D. dreams

47.A. due B. ready C. lost   D. special

48.A. idea B. choice C. right       D. time

49.A. excited B. worried C. surprised   D. curious

50.A. ignored B. heard C. forgotten   D. missed

51.A. working B. talking C. living   D. arguing

52.A. research B. stay C. business   D. condition

53.A. spending B. wasting C. finding   D. finishing

54.A. everyday B. recent C. previous   D. wide

55.A. wisdom B. pleasure C. wealth   D. knowledge

56.A. careful B. concerned C. certain   D. anxious

57.A. speak B. write C. listen   D. read

58.A. naturally B. generally C. hardly   D. simply

59.A. amazing B. challenging C. interesting   D.disappointing

60.A. questioned B. encouraged C. supported   D. surrounded

61.A. message B. fact C. feeling       D. thought

62.A. impossible B. unusual C. incorrect   D. unknown

63.A. harmful B. important C. suitable   D. valuable

64.A. Otherwise B. Besides C. Therefore   D. However

65.A. problems B. steps C. rules   D. aspects
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