
學習頻道    來源: 安徽省屯溪一中      2024-07-20         


Gandi wanted so badly to help the world that he devoted himself to removing self-interest out of his heart and mind, leaving them pure, healthy, and free to love. It took him nearly twenty years to gain such control of his  36    process.
When in South Africa, Gandi would sometimes walk fifty miles a day and   37   only a few hours a night.   38   into his seventies Gandi wrote hundreds of letters every week; when his right hand became  39  , he learns to write with his left. Once, while he was writing a letter, the lantern giving light  40  , in which case most of us would have   41    and gone to bed,   42    Gandi, knowing his timely reply would be particularly  43    to those who had written to him, went  44   and finished writing by moonlight. If asked to live like this, we would say,“Impossible!”Gandi would   45   , “Oh, no. It’s possible, when your mind is flooded with 46   for all.” 
Late in Gandi’s   47  a Western journalist asked, “Mr. Gandi, you’ve been   48   fifteen hours a day for fifty years. Don’t you ever  49  taking a few weeks off and going for a vacation?” Gandi laughed and said, “Why? I’m   50   on vacation.” This world-famous figure, who could have been prime minister of India and one of the richest men in Asia, announced he wasn’t   51    on becoming rich or famous. He wanted something far   52    – to place all his talents, resources, time, and energy in a trust for the world.
“You needn’t be   53    if you’ve made mistakes. Just continue to try your   54    . If you fall, pick yourself up and march on. If you cannot run, walk. If you cannot walk, crawl. The   55  alone brings a continuing wave of joy in which every personal problem and every suffering is forgotten.” said Gandi. 
36.  A. thinking     B. drawing    C. growing    D. learning
37.  A. read         B. run       C. exercise    D. sleep 
38.   A. Also     B. Even    C. Indeed    D. Only
39.  A. tired         B. lazy      C. relaxed    D. hopeless 
40.  A. sank     B. failed    C. flashed            D. shook 
41.  A. screamed   B. waited       C. escaped   D. stopped 
42.  A. for    B. or       C. and      D. but
43.  A. important   B. difficult   C. friendly    D. exciting
44.  A. around    B. instead    C. outside   D. alone
45.  A. object     B. attack    C. fight     D. lie 
46.  A. love            B. freedom      C. courage         D. doubt
47.  A. class     B. life       C. past    D. mind
48.  A. working   B. writing   C. caring       D. imagining 
49.  A. turn to    B. insist on     C. feel like    D. put off
50.  A. finally    B. always    C. straight   D. still 
51.  A. interested   B. keen     C. successful   D. experienced 
52.  A. wiser     B. tougher   C. truer    D. greater
53.  A. troubled    B. dismissed    C. defended      D. bored 
54.  A. change   B. strength     C. best          D. advice 
55.  A. choice    B. voice    C. effort     D. comfort
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