
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 天津市五區(qū)縣      2024-07-20         

聽力: 1—5 CABAC      6—10 ABCAC   11—15 BCBBA
單選: 16—20 CBDBC    21—25 CDCAB   26—30 DBADD
完型: 31—35 DACBC   36—40 BBACC   41—45 ABAAD  46—50 BCBAD
閱讀: 51—55 DAACB   56—60 ABDBA   61—65 DBDAC
       1. Several Ways to Encourage Your Child's Passions
  2. Kids, by nature, are curious 
  3. five
  4. enthusiastic
  5. 略
Dear Mike,
How are you? I’m writing to you to talk about the pressure from the exam. As we all know, most of us middle school students feel somehow nervous whenever we’re taking an important exam. 
There is no doubt that exams are important to us students, but it’s more important to have a right attitude towards them. As a matter of fact, exams are no more than a means of evaluating, therefore, there is no need to worry too much about the results. Only studying hard every day and making good preparations for exams can we avoid suffering from the pressure of exams. We’d better go out for a walk or do some outdoor exercise before exams. Besides, having enough sleep can make us full of energy and make it possible for us to perform well in the exam. A hot bath or a cup of hot milk before going to bed at night helps you have a sound sleep.
 So, my suggestion is not to worry about exams,and try to relax yourself. I ’m looking forward to receiving your early reply to share your suggestions.
Text 1
W: I saw George at the hospital today. I wonder if his wife is ill. 
M: No, his wife is fine. His daughter just had a baby and he was visiting her. 
Text 2
W: Robert worked as a secretary for three years. Then he became a reporter . After that he started writing novels full-time.
M: I know. And he has been doing nothing else ever since.
Text 3
W: So Mr. Smith, where do you see yourself in five years?
M: To tell you the truth, I see myself running this company.
Text 4
M: John is certainly the funniest person in class. He can always make us laugh. 
W: Really? I think I still have to get used to his sense of humor.
M: Shall we go boating together?
W: Good idea, Let’s go now. 
Text 5 
W: Can you believe Tom from our class acted in the movie I watched last night?
M: Are you kidding? You mean Tom? The Tom who couldn’t even remember a line in the play we put on at the arts festival?
.Text 6
M: Maybe it was the fish or meat we ate.
W :Yes, it might have been. 
M: Or the soup.
W: No, it couldn’t have been the soup because I didn’t have any.
M: Of course we sat in the sun for a long time. I suppose it could have been the sun.
W: Yes,it might have been. But we ’ve got used to eating pears, and you washed them.
W: No, I didn’t . I thought you had!
M: Ididn’t wash them. I was sure you did. It must have been the pears then!
Text 7
W: Hello, Mr Johnson. You wanted to talk to me?
M: Er,yeah, come in . I’m glad you were able to make it in such a short time. I was worried I wouldn’t get a chance to talk with you before the weekend. 
W: Luckily, I checked my e-mail and got your message before leaving campus for the evening . I thought it would be good to drop by and I am surprised you’re here at such a late hour. 
M: oh, I usually am on Friday. I like to review the weekly writings my students turn in before I leave for the seaside on weekends.
W: To be frank… I’m a little bit nervous…
M: Don’t be nervous. Actually, It’s very good news. 
W: Oh, what is it?
M:I received a letter from the National Youth Fund. It says you have won a scholarship for your further studies.
Text 8
       Good evening, Ladies and gentlemen. My name is Michael Brown. As you know, we hold a series of events during the school year on various cultural topics. Tonight ,we are lucky to have, as our guest, a man of considerable fame in the world of music. He began to play the piano at 5. By the time he was 10, he was composing and playing his own pieces. He’s a graduate of the famous Julliard School and has spent the last 40 years of his very successful career touring the world playing in concerts. We are fortunate that he’s come to share some of his experiences with us. He’s had many adventures along the way—missed connections, no hotel rooms , and locked concert halls. Most unbelievably, he even lost his instruments. He’s played for all of the most well-known conductors all over the world. The title of his talk is “The concert Tour-40 years on 4 continents”. Please join me in welcoming Mr. Daniel Roberson, one of the most famous pianists.
英語學(xué)習(xí)  http://ksyfn.com/english/
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