
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 陽光學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)      2024-07-20         

(Text 1)
M: How do you usually get to work? Walk or drive?
W: I drive most days.
M: I hate driving. I take the bus.
 (Text 2)
M: Do you want to see a musical tonight?
W: Sure. What time?
M: There’s a show at 7:10 and at 9:30.
W: Let’s go to the 9:30 show. I work until 7 o’clock tonight.
 (Text 3)
W: Thanks a lot. This hat will be perfect with my blue jacket and skirt.
M: Made a good choice, did I?
(Text 4)
M: We should think about finding another restaurant for lunch.
W: Why? The food and service here are great.
M: Yes, but the prices are going up every week.
 (Text 5)
M: Excuse me. I’m looking for the textbook by Professor Smith for the computer course. 
W: I’m afraid it’s sold out. You’ll have to order it. 
 (Text 6)
W: I got something really nice in the mail today. It’s about classes to help you set up your own business. 
M: Oh, gosh, Patti. It sounds like a get-rich-quick plan to me. Just how much are these classes?
W: $500 for five classes. But they promise that you’ll have your business set up on a website before you’re done. 
M: ⑥D(zhuǎn)on’t you think that’s a lot of money? What kind of business would you start, anyway?
W: Well, you know how everybody loves my home-made candy? ⑦I’m going to start selling it on the web. 
M: Well, good luck.
 (Text 7) 
M: Were you able to finish writing that article?
W: Yes, I’m almost done. I have most of the information that I need. I haven’t started writing it yet, but it shouldn’t take me too long.
M: Well, we have some space to fill in the Sunday edition. If possible, I’d like to put your article in the Lifestyle section. How soon would you be able to finish it?
W: ⑨I just need to confirm some data, and then I can start writing. I can give it to you by 10:00 at the latest.
 (Text 8)
W: Hi, I’m Jane Smith. You must be Dr Philip Snow.
M: Yes, I am. Good to see you, Jane. So when did you arrive?
W: Last week. I’ve been here for more than a week.
M: How do you like New York? 
W: It’s one of the must-be places in the world, I guess. Before I forget, could you please give me some advice on what courses I should choose for this term? I don’t know what the required courses are.
M: Well, the required courses are listed in the student handbook. They include the courses required by our department and those required by your major. 
W: Courses required by my major?
M: Yes, some of these courses are offered in our department, and others are in other departments. I’ll help you to design a study plan and decide on which courses you need to take for this term.
W: That’ll be great! Thank you, Dr Snow.
 (Text 9)
W: How was your trip, Dan? I’d love to go around the world.
M: It was great. First we went to London, but only for a few days as it rained all the time. Both of us got really wet.
W: You went to Paris next, didn’t you?
M: Well, Paris wasn’t at all sunny but it was better than London — a bit cloudy.
W: Did you go up the Eiffel Tower?
M: Yes, we both had a great time!
W: Where did you go after Paris?
M: To Sydney. We didn’t get to the famous Bondi Beach as there were a lot of thunderstorms. We did some shopping there.
W: I bet that was expensive!
M: It wasn’t as expensive as Tokyo. It was hot and sunny there — no rain at all for the whole five days we were there!
W: And then you went to the USA, didn’t you?
M: Yes, to San Francisco, which is famous for its fog. It was so thick that we didn’t go to see the Golden Gate Bridge! But it was warmer than some of the other places!
 (Text 10)
M: This is a recorded message. Welcome to Lakeview campsite. Camp Lakeview was built in 1964 to provide Christian experience of growth, inspiration, and recreation, for people of all ages. Here is some information to make your holiday more enjoyable. 
First of all, our campsite is open from the beginning of May until the end of September. All campers must book a site two months in advance. Most people who visit Lakeview bring their own tents and camping stoves with them. However, all our sites have equipment for hire. You do have to bring your own sleeping bags and pillows, though, as we do not provide them.
Pets are welcome, but campers must keep their dogs under control. Dogs must not run around the playground or play in the swimming pool area.
Campers use the swimming pool at their own risk, as there is no lifeguard on duty. The pool opens at around 9:00 a.m. and closes at 8:30 p.m.
There is a shop at Lakeview that sells most of the things you need for your holiday. You can buy fresh milk, bread and eggs every day.
For prices and booking details call 01-2576-5018 or visit our website at www.lakeview.com.
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