
學習頻道    來源: 陽光高考信息平臺      2024-07-20         



高一英語 (A)參考答案

第一部分  聽力(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)

1-5 BBCAC      6-10 ABCAB       11-15 ACAAB      16-20 CABAC

第二部分  英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)

第一節(jié)  單項填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)

21-25 ACDCB    26-30 AACBC      31-35 CBCAA

第二節(jié)  完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)

36-40 BDCAC   41-45 ADCDB    46-50 CACBD     51-55 ADBCB

第三部分  閱讀理解(共20小題;每小題2分,滿分40分)

56-59 DCDB    60-63 BACB     64-67 BDCD       68-71 ABCD     72-75 BDAC

第四部分  寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)


76.In        77.quickly      78. gives   79.healthier     80. Doing\To do 

81. to start    82. another   83. yourself   84. or\and      85. the    


One Possible Version 

Yuan Longping is a great scientist who is devoted to agriculture. Born in Beijing in 1930, Yuan graduated from Southwest Agricultural College. After graduation, finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal. Thanks to his research in hybrid rice, we have more tools to increase the rice output and rid the world of hunger, for which he is honored as “Father of Hybrid Rice”.

Yuan Longping lives a simple life and he cares little about money or being famous. As for hobbies, he enjoys listening to music as well as swimming. 

Yuan Longping has made great contribution not only to China, but also to the whole world. Therefore, in my eyes, he is more than a scientist; he is a pioneer for all people.


Text 1

W: How much should I pay you?

M: That’ll be $375. Cash or credit card?

W: I’ll pay by card. I don’t carry that much cash with me.

Text 2

W: Were you born in America, Jack?

M: No, I was born in Canada. But I’m living in England now.

Text 3

W: I can’t believe it. Susan wore white today!

M: What’s wrong with wearing white clothes?

W: It’s winter now. Everyone knows that you shouldn’t wear white in winter.

Text 4

M: We aren’t done yet. We need about 15 more minutes.

W: Sure. Just let me know when you’re ready. I’ll have the taxi driver wait for you while you  

   finish up the meeting. Remember that your flight is at 8:00, OK?

Text 5

M: Where should we go for winter break this year? We went to Spain last year.

W: I was thinking of traveling to Switzerland. I hear the skiing is amazing there.

Text 6

M: I don’t have anything to do.

W: Why don’t you find a way to help someone?

M: Do you need help?

W: No, your sister Janie can’t understand her math homework for today.

M: I can help her! I’m very good at math. I always get A’s.

W: Good idea! I’m sure she will be happy.

Text 7

W: Your daughters are so cute! I can’t believe they’re only seven years old. How did they learn so 

   much already?

M: Well, my wife and I have been reading to them since they were very young. So they became  

   interested in reading at a young age. They’ve both been reading well since the age of five.

W: That’s wonderful! I wish my son would do that, too.

M: Don’t worry too much about him. He’ll read more when he’s ready. It’s better to let him do

   what he’s most interested in. He’s only six, right?

Text 8

W: Hi, Tom! Are you OK?

M: Oh, I’ve got a cold again and I easily get tired in spring.

W: Why not try some exercise? It will help a lot.

M: Well, you’re right. But I don’t have time to go to a gym. I’ve been too busy lately.

W: You don’t have to go to a gym. You can walk or ride a bicycle to work.

M: But I don’t have a bicycle.

W: Ah, I got it. But you see, our office is on the fifth floor. You can just walk up and down the 

   stairs instead of taking a lift. That would be better than any exercise machine in the gym.

M: Oh, Mary, you really have a point there. I will have a try tomorrow.

Text 9

M: Would you take a look at this for me, dear? I have to make my research paper shorter, but I   

   don’t know which parts to cut out. I just can’t decide. Maybe you can give me a fresh opinion.

W: Sure, I’ll do that. Let me see…

M: Take your time. I needn’t hand it in until next Monday. But if you can look it over by Friday,  

   I’ll have the whole weekend to work on it.

W: I can finish it by then. On Thursday, I only have a few short meetings. I should have plenty of

   time to help you out.

M: It’s pretty long, as you can see…55 pages.

W: I’ll be able to do it. I’ll just sit down at the Black Point Cafe all afternoon!

Text 10

   Welcome to Las Vegas! As you can see, we are located in the sunny Nevada desert. Throughout the world, Las Vegas is known as a place where people come to play cards. It’s true that many people do try to win money here. But tourists are beginning to see that Las Vegas has much more to offer. 

   If you love music, this is a great place to be. World-famous musicians perform here all the time. Also, you can find new and exciting nightclubs on the Las Vegas Strip. If good food is what you’re looking for, we have fine dining restaurants and all-you-can-eat buffets. For those who like to shop, we have shopping centers that carry the same fashions sold in Paris and New York. We are also a very family-friendly place to visit. Kids will enjoy our museums, parks and swimming pools.

   Thank you for choosing Las Vegas. Get ready for a perfect vacation for the

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