
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 山西陽光高考門戶      2024-07-20         











M: Excuse me. Can you tell me how much the shirt is?

W: Yes, it’s nine fifteen.






Text 1

W: It’s a nice day today. How about going shopping today, Peter?

M: I’d like to, but I can’t. I have decided to buy a new house for my parents, and I have made an appointment to see a bank manager. I can’t miss it.


Text 2

W: When did you start singing, Andy?

M: I started singing as a professional singer when I was twenty. And I’m forty now.


Text 3

W: Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest restaurant, please?

M: Well, walk along to the post office and then turn right. Walk for about ten minutes and you ’ll see a hotel. There is a restaurant behind it.


Text 4

W: What were you doing when the earthquake happened last year?

M: I was preparing for an exam. I immediately woke up my parents when I realized what was happening.


Text 5

W: Why did you ride a bike to work today? What happened to your car?

M: Nothing. I saw my doctor yesterday. He suggested that I take part in more physical activities.








Text 6

M: Sorry, madam, you cannot smoke here.

W: Oh, sorry. I didn’t see the sign here. So do you smoke?

M: Not now. I used to smoke. But my doctor told me it was damaging my lungs, so I quit.

W: You were really determined. I’ve tried several times, but I failed every time.

M: I was strongly supported by my family. Without them, I wouldn’t have succeeded. Why not ask your family for help?

W: They live a bit far. I work in this city alone. But I’ll try again.

(停頓00′02″)  重復(fù)  (停頓00′10″)



Text 7

M: Hi, Lisa. I’m sorry, but my flight has been delayed. I cannot arrive tomorrow as planned.

W: I’m sorry to hear that. What happened?

M: There was a heavy storm in our city last night. It’s the worst in the past 100 years. The airport has been closed because of the storm.

W: It must have caused great damage to your city.

M: Yes. Luckily, no deaths have been reported. But ten people got injured, and two of them are in very severe condition now.

W: How is your home? I hope it is fine.

M: Luckily, my home hasn’t been damaged and everyone in my family is fine. 

W: I’m glad to hear that. By the way, when do you think you will get to my city?

M: The airport will reopen tomorrow. So I’ll arrive the day after tomorrow.

W: Great. I’ll go and pick you up.

M: Don’t bother. I don’t have much luggage. I’ll go directly to your place by subway.

(停頓00′02″)  重復(fù)   (停頓00′10″)



Text 8

W: I called you last night, but I couldn’t get through.

M: Oh, sorry! I was at the cinema. I had turned it off before entering the cinema. By the way, why did you call me?

W: Nothing important. So what movie did you see?

M: A movie called I Am Eleven. I read a report about this film the day before yesterday and was interested in it. So I went to watch it.

W: Is it a fiction movie?

M: No. It’s a documentary. The director traveled to 15 countries where she talked to kids about their lives. It took her six years to finish the movie.

W: How did you like it? 

M: I found it great. It brought back a lot of my memories. I thought of my life when I was 11 years old. It’s really worth watching. 

W: I’ll go and watch it tonight.

(停頓00′02″)   重復(fù)  (停頓00′15″)



Text 9

M: Welcome to our talk show, Ellen. First, could you please tell me where you live?

W: Now I live in Manhattan. But I wasn’t born in America. I was born in Paris. I lived there for twenty years. Then I went to London and received my further education there. After that, I started teaching in Asian countries. I came to Manhattan just about two years ago.

M: Why did you choose to teach in Asia?

W: I love Asian cultures. You know, there are many countries in Asia and each country has its own culture. I wanted to experience different customs, sceneries and cultures there.

M: What did you teach there?

W: Both French and English.

M: Are you still teaching?

W: Yes. But I just teach at home sometimes. I spend most of my time writing instead. 

M: What are you mainly writing about?

W: My experiences in Asian countries. I want to help people know about the countries better.

(停頓00′02″) 重復(fù)    (停頓00′20″)



Text 10 

Health is a choice. We all can stay healthy if we choose to. I learned this when I was reading an article about health in a magazine. After that, I searched on the Internet and learned some tips on how to stay healthy. Here is what I do. I eat three meals regularly every day. I have breakfast around 8 am, lunch at noon and supper around 7 pm. Some people like eating much at one time, but it’s unhealthy. Now fast food is very popular, but I don’t eat it. I like eating a lot of vegetables and fruits every day. Besides, I also spend some time taking part in physical activities every day. I run for half an hour every morning. And I play basketball every Tuesday and Thursday. On weekends, I usually play football with my friends. Now I enjoy great health.



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