
學習頻道    來源: 石家莊期末考試      2024-07-20         














附: 聽力材料

(Text 1) 

M: Did you learn English in Australia?

W: No. I was born in Britain, but I was brought up in America.

(Text 2)   

W: How are you planning to go to Paris? By train again?

M: Well, I think I’m going by air this time. I have to be back by next Monday.

W: I wish you a good journey!

(Text 3)  

W: You look a little tired. Is something wrong?

M: No, not really. I went to a basketball game last night and took some pictures. I wanted to develop them right away. So I was up until midnight.

(Text 4)  

W: Great trainers, David. Where did you get them?

M: I looked everywhere — sports shops, the Internet and finally found a pair I liked at the street market.

W: Really? I didn’t know they sold shoes there!

(Text 5)  

M: Good morning, Anne. What can I do for you?

W: Good morning, Professor Brown. Could you tell me my grade for Wednesday’s test?

M: Well, let’s see. You have done a good job.

(Text 6)  

W: Jacky, would you tell me something about your mother? Is she the same age as my mum?

M: No. She is a little bit older. She will be 67 next month.

W: What does she like to do?

M: She likes watching TV very much. And recently, she has been crazy about dance. She is now attending a community night class to learn drawing.

W: Oh, your mother must be very lovely.

M: Yeah. She is very sociable and easy-going. She is well loved by anyone who knows her.

(Text 7)  

M: I love listening to music. It’s so relaxing.

W: Yes, but you need more exercise. Don’t you ever work out?

M: No, never. But I do go dancing sometimes. That’s exercise, right?

W: I guess so. But you should be playing sports, too, if you want to be really healthy.  

M: Well, I do get exercise walking to the theatre, and it’s good to go out with friends.

W: Well, that’s true. Do you see your friends often?

M: Sometimes. I love cooking for them. And sometimes we go travelling together.

W: How often do you take trips?

M: About once a year. Actually, I usually end up chatting online with my friends instead of seeing them.

(Text 8)  

M: Well, here we are. This is the hall. As you can see, there is a big mirror on the wall and a telephone over there too. 

W: Is the telephone working?

M: Oh yes. You only pay for the calls you make. Now through here to the left. This is the living room. There’s a television and ...

W: Look! What a big sofa! 

M: Oh, yes. It’s new, too. And if you go through that door in front of you, that’s the dining room with a nice big table and six chairs. And it has two windows so there’s lots of light. On the left is the bathroom. It’s a bit small. But the shower and the toilet are both new. And opposite the bathroom, just here, we have the kitchen. 

W: Oh, yes! This is lovely. 

(Text 9) 

M: Hey, Maria! Fancy seeing you here.

W: Long time no see! How are you doing?

M: Can’t complain! You seldom come here, do you?

W: I’m a pretty good student, but I don’t come to the library to study. It’s too quiet for me. I need a place with some music or some kind of noise to study. I don’t want to hear myself think too much. Next week, I have a French paper due, so I came to look up some information.

M: Really? I’ve got a paper due, too, but it’s a history paper about the struggle of building the Panama Canal. 

W: Well, I really don’t know how to find the books I need about French. Do you think you can help me?

M: Sorry, I’m not sure either. I only know how to find the monthly magazines. Let’s go to ask the librarian for help.

W: Good idea!

(Text 10)  

W: Hello, Sam? This is Ms. Rivera. I’ll be out of the office all day today. I’m not feeling well. Would you please do me some favours? First, please write a note to Mrs. Wilson and tell her I’m sick. Then, please call Mr. Smith and change the time of our appointment. Also, send an e-mail to everybody in the office, and tell them about next week’s meeting. Don’t forget to speak to Mr. Johnson about my broken desk lamp. He will fix it. Hmm ... Let’s see. I know there are a few more things. Oh, yes. Please make a list of all the employees and give it to our manager. She asked me for the list last week. OK. Oh, one more thing. Please take the package on my desk to the post office if you have time. And that’s it. Thanks, Sam. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.


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