
學(xué)習(xí)頻道    來源: 八年英語試題答案      2024-07-20         


桓仁縣2016—2017學(xué)年(上 )期末質(zhì)量檢測



第一題: 聽句子,選出與其內(nèi)容相符的圖片,每個句子讀兩遍(5分)

1.You will have a great time if you go to the party.

2. My classmates visited the Greet Wall last Sunday. 

3. My brother wants to make Russian soup for a party on Sunday.

4. May likes dancing very much, she dances two times a week.

5. I think most of us will have a robot in 100 years.


6. Did Jim go for a walk with his dog?

7. How often do you watch TV ?

8. Which is the best bookshop in our town?

 9. How did you get to Beijing?

10. Can you come to my house for the party?

第三題: 對話理解。聽對話及問題選擇正確答案。每個對話讀兩遍。(5分)

11.  A: Tom, did you have a good time in Beijing?

B: No, I went to Nanjing . And I have a good time there.

Q: Where did Tom go on vacation?  http://www.xuecan.net/

12.  A: I think Mr Green is more serious than any other teacher. Do you think so, Mike?

B: Well, I disagree with you . In fact , he is outgoing and friendly.

Q: What does Mike think of Mr Green?

13. A: Jake, I use the Internet twice a week. What about you?

B: You are luckier than me, Ben. My parents only let me do that on Saturday.

Q: How often does Jake use the Internet?

14. A: Well done, Jim! You write more carefully than Tim this time.

B: Thanks, Tara. However, I do not write as carefully as Sam.

     Q: Who writes the most carefully?

15. A: Let’s have the party on Monday afternoon.

B: If we do, one third of the class won’t come.

Q: What will happen if they have the party on Monday afternoon?


      Ann is an America girl. She is going to Beijing by plane this summer because her uncle John works in Beijing. Her uncle is going to meet her at the airport. He is going to take Ann to the Great Wall, the palace museum and many other places of interest. He is going to take her to eat Beijing Duck. Ann says she is going to stay in Beijing for two weeks. And then, she is going to tell her friends Donna and Alice something about Beijing when she returns.

聽力部分 (20分)

1—5 EADBC   6—10 CBCAA  11—15 BAACB   16-20 CBACA       

筆試部分 (80分)

I  單項(xiàng)選擇(15分) 

    21—25 CDCBA  26—30 BCDAC   31—35 ACDBC 

II  補(bǔ)全對話( 5分 )(答案不唯一,意思、語法對均可得分)

   A. 36—40 EAFBC

B.41. Great.      42. What is it ?    43. Shall we go for a picnic?   44. Where shall we go ?

45. How will the weather be tomorrow ? /What will the weather be like tomorrow?

III 用括號里所給單詞的正確形式填空(5分)

      46.without   47. opening   48. foreigners   49. To help  50. physical  


   51 because of   52 cares about   53 How often   54 fast as 

55 I don’t think English is as hard as math.

56 Do you look forward to get a prize in the English competition?

57.It’s important for the basketball players to play together and bring out the best in each other.

  V  完形填空(10分)

  58. what  59. life  60. colder  61. seen  62. red   

63. blow  64. studied  65. but  66. find  67. closer

Ⅵ 閱讀理解(20分)

 A 68—72ABDDC  B 73—77 CBDBA 

C 78 diary 79 writing a diary\writing diaries 80 a safe place 81 practice English 

  82 Diaries of Lei Feng. 

 Ⅶ  書面表達(dá)(10分)

One possible version:

How to be an excellent student

  As a student, how can I be a better student ? At first, I’ll follow the school rules. I will go to school on time and I won’t smoke. It’s also important to have good study habits. I will listen to the teachers carefully in class. And I am going to learn to share things with my friends and help each other. At home, I will try to help my parents do some housework because they are very tired every day.

   I believe I’ll be a good student. 



1. 分四個檔次給分。

2. 總詞數(shù)不足70個扣1分,單詞拼寫、字母大小寫和標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號錯誤,每三處扣1分;用序號羅列本文內(nèi)容扣2分。

3. 本文有一定的開放性,所以只要言之有理,請閱卷教師酌情賦分。



提示內(nèi)容缺少一項(xiàng)..........扣1分;面不整潔........... 扣1分 http://www.yuzhulin.com/zhongkao/mokao/344.html

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